Monday, December 30, 2024

Ticking down the hours

 It was the day of small things, and I'm grateful for it, because this darned sinus stuff is waking me up throughout the night. I even got up at 3 AM and took a long hot shower just to see if the steam made it easier to breathe. It did. I got myself all warm and cozy back into bed and was able to sleep a couple more hours.

We had some pretty damaging winds here last night. We had no sooner climbed into bed when suddenly there was a bang, and it was followed by blue flashes coming from the window on the north side. The streetlights went out and so did all the lights next door. That scarcely registered when we saw blue flashes through the sliding glass doors on the west side of the bedroom. It looked like it was something pretty major, and we got up right away to unplug the computer. Surprisingly, the power was back on again in pretty short order. We didn't expect that. Turned out the power outages affected a lot of people on the western side of Pennsylvania, and there are some without power still, so we were lucky.

Still, Tim headed out to the new build to check on things there. Everything was fine. It is supposed to get cold, so he relit the heat in the house and out in the garage for the cats. He used the time to put the last breaker in. We are now ready for our final inspection. 

Being short sleeped, I appreciated a day home. I cleaned the kitchen and the bathroom, changed the bedding, did a load of laundry, vacuumed. All those things a body gets behind on when you're in the middle of a holiday and working on another house. 

The day started out with a call from Andy. A neighbor has died, and Mattie and Levi both are very busy with that. Since the funeral is on Tuesday, she doesn't have time to get off the hill and into town for their  pork loin and sauerkraut for their New Year's Day meal. They were hoping we wouldn't mind doing that bit of shopping for them and dropping it off at some point tomorrow afternoon. Of course we can do that.

I even remembered to call a prospective tax preparer. We have to find a new tax person. We liked the person that we used for many years, but without warning, he announced he was going in with another accounting firm in town. We used him that year, and then he retired. Much to our surprise, the charges for doing our taxes went up 30% the following year. They also had to file an extension. They missed the April deadline by 3 months. We explained it away to ourselves. Our federal taxes are complicated due to the multiple properties. We had to file the state taxes, of course, but because Tim worked out of state, he was required to file taxes for that state as well. Local taxes are paid separately. But last year, without warning, we received the bill (only after the taxes were done) for $925, which was an additional 30% increase from the previous year. There were only two forms to fill out: Federal and Pennsylvania. Due to our age, we don't pay local taxes and Tim doesn't have to file New York State taxes because he is retired now. We also break itemize the expenses for the properties ourselves, going through our own receipts and totting it all up to save time for them.  We dropped off our tax forms with the lawyer today, and, fingers crossed, we get a sensible estimate. 

A person stopped in to pick up some coffee I was giving away: 2 2lb bags of it. I used to drink flavored coffee. It was on sale a while back, and so I picked up three bags to go in the freezer. Just in case of the zombie apocalypse. I always like to make sure I've got a few bags of vacuum sealed coffee in my freezer. I just think that I'd handle a zombie apocalypse much better if I'm caffeinated. However, much to my surprise, it turns out that in my dotage, I've developed an actual aversion to hazelnut coffee. I was cutting it with unflavored coffee to try to use it up, but ack! Just aaaaaaaaack! Mornings are bad enough without starting the day with bad coffee. 

Tim and I met up after lunch and put the rest of the kitchen ceiling framework up, so that's done. Bathroom plumbing next. We're ticking boxes there, too. 

We dropped off the last of Grandma Violet's fruitcakes to where it needed to be, and since we were in that end of town, we stopped into a grocery store known for its meats, and picked up the pork loin for Mattie at a decent price, a whole one just over 10 lbs at $2.49 a pound

I ended up the night by folding laundry and doing some online research. I bought two smart watches, one for Tim and one for me. I'm drinking my third cup of brewed ginger and snorting saline. I just really want a full nights sleep. 

We have another storm moving in New Year's Eve. Sounds like a mighty fine excuse to stay home. Which we were going to do anyway, but really, it's nice to have an excuse.


  1. I hope you start feeling better and get a good night's sleep. There is something going around here in Florida like the flu but it isn't the flu. Just feel miserable, tired and cough a lot.

  2. Oh and Happy New Year, may it come in with good health and happiness.

    1. Happy New Year, Ellie. I am glad you found me again. We go back quite a ways, don't we? Your husband was sick when we 'met'. How many years is that?

    2. He has been gone 15 years and was sick two years before he passed away. I live alone but, in our house, full of good memories. I will be 80 on the 23rd.

  3. Having a shower at 3:00 a.m. sounds exhausting. I hope your sinuses start behaving themselves soon and you start the new year in good health.

    1. I just couldn't breathe. I couldn't lay down. The shower actually felt nice. But man, you don't wake up feeling rested after being up and down all night.

  4. Your taxes sound incredibly complicated, so no wonder you need an outside agency to deal with them. I think it would be similar here fot someone in your situation.

    1. Our taxes are impossible. I don't understand the law. Some repairs to rentals are considered upgrades. Others need to be amortized (I may have that word wrong) over 3 years. We've got pretty much everything up to snuff now, having just put our last new roof on, so hopefully, once we get through this year, things will be less confusing.

  5. Tying up all the loose ends...

    We have gales and colder weather here now.. luckily on the edge of it here... hopefully!

    1. I really got in there today and tied up loose ends. I did some heavy duty cleaning, and it just feels nice to sit in an organized house. Feels like I'm starting the new year out on the right foot at least.

  6. Gales at home here too. Hope we get back today.
    Happy New Year to you x

    1. That's one of the first things that I checked on this morning. I just got the last sunset from the plane window. Reading the comments, I am guessing that you got back to Heathrow at least.

  7. Wow, Debby! You still manage to get a shit ton of things done, while not feeling well! We've managed, so far, to stay away from the respiratory stuff here. Knock wood. Our weather has been weirdly warm, and looking at it just now, the temps are going to plunge here in Illinois. Strangest winter yet. Have a happy, safe and healthy New Year!! Thanks for such a great blog, too, I have enjoyed reading it so very much!

    1. I did get a fair amount done. I didn't even mention groceries and a pot of soup.

  8. We have Belgian Chocolate coffee here. I’ve tried hazelnut but don’t like it. I am thinking of switching to regular coffee though.

    1. I guess that I've just gotten so accustomed to the plain old medium roast coffee that flavors just feel like an assault on my tastebuds!

  9. I hope you feel better soon. Sinus infections are miserable. Your tax preparations sound like mine. For years I would compile everything, sort it, etc - so we were basically paying someone to fill in the blank. Taxes got more complicated and my kids talked us into Turbo Tax. That was cheap and worked until it didn't. We got a letter from the IRS that our returns were wrong. I couldn't make heads or tails out of it. I found a young local accountant and it took him over an hour to even figure out what they did. He asked me what I did and I said, (and this is rich), "the prompt said - do you want me to fill it in automatically? and I clicked yes". Embarrassing. Anyway, he was affiliated with a "chain" and has now struck out on his own. He is reasonable and through. And we get them filed on time. And hopefully he will outlive us, lol.
    We drink "1/2 caff" Maxwell house, auto delivery from Amazon and THEY CANCELLED my order saying it is unavailable. I found it on sale at Meijer in a neighboring city and stocked up to head off the zombies, too.

    1. I need my one cup of high octane caffeine in the morning. It is a big mug, I admit it, but for the rest of the day I stick to water or ginger tea.

  10. If you think about it, get some eucalyptus oil and sprinkle a few drops of that in the shower. Don't know if it actually helps, but it sure makes a nice, bracing steam.
    I like my coffee to be coffee-flavored.
    You have reminded me that it wouldn't hurt to do a little cleaning over here in Lloyd.

    1. You know, Mary, that's a good idea. I do have some eucalyptus oil. It probably wouldn't hurt to pop some in the diffuser either. Don't know why it did not occur to me.

  11. Good luck with those sinuses. Sorry that's still hanging around. I'm with you on flavored coffee -- it's so '80s!

  12. You get more things done when you are "taking it easy" than I do normally!?! Hope you get ahead of that sinus stuff and welcome the New Year in good health! Happy New Year to you and Tim!!

  13. Flavored coffee - YACK! I don't get it. For a sleep deprived person y'all got a ton of work done. Happy & healthy New Year to you & Tim. Your taxes certainly sound like a horror show. That said, $925 is ridiculous.

    1. I see your yack and raise it! I think that mostly I was trying to keep moving. I wanted to sleep well that night, and I was afraid that if I sat down I'd doze off. So...I just kept moving.

  14. Jack has a stuffed up nose and he slept with me last night, so I didn't get much sleep last night and we're both feeling listless today.
    Hope your sinusitis is over soon. When you can't sleep properly, everything is worse.
    Happy New Year.

    1. Well, Pixie, sleeping with a child even when they are not sick is a challenge. They wiggle around a whole lot. It's a wonder they can wake up in the morning bright eyed and bushy tailed. I did sleep better last night.

  15. Wishing you, Tim, all the cats/kittens, your family (near & far), and friends a new year filled with good health, joy, contentment, and peace.

    1. That you Damselfly! You too. Heck. Everybody. I hope that for every damn-body!

  16. We celebrated NYE with the same two couples for about 35 years. The past few years one or another of them was sick and we weren't able to all gather. This year, one from each couple died. It makes me sad. I'm not sure if I'll even stay up to ring in the new year. Enough of that, though! Life is good and I'm going in to the new year with a positive attitude. I hope you'll do the same and that 2025 will be good to you and Tim.

    1. Oh no. There is something very sobering when we begin to lose contemporaries. Happy New Year to you and your house.

  17. Happy New Year, Debby. May 2025 bring prosperity, completed building projects and clear sinuses!

    1. Bob, you would have laughed. Tim announced we were buying a house. I wasn't even out of bed yet. I hope 2025 is good to you and Susan as well.

  18. Life is too short to drink bad coffee!

    1. I can tell you after struggling through bad coffee for a couple weeks, that you are exactly right. Ack!

  19. Hope the sinus problem improves and that the New Year brings you all happiness and peace.

    1. I think that it is improving. Finally. I think that being able to limit my time at the rehab, away from the dust is helping.

  20. Happy New Year. Did the storm materialize? Are you under feet of snow? Hope the sinuses are better. I used to get that, it's been awhile, though, happy about that.

    1. It finally began to happen about 6ish today. It appears to have stopped now. They are calling for more of it tomorrow. Who knows anymore? I just wait and see what I wake up to.

  21. Best wishes for a great year ahead for you, Tim, and your family!🥰 I’m imagining reading about your moving in to your new home sometime this year- it’s been so much fun following your amazing journey towards that moment- I’m so in awe of what you’ve done so far🙌🏻 Last night, NYE, at 11:45pm, we had an amazing moment of lightning and thunder.. I was wondering if it was a ‘goodbye 2024’ message, or a foreboding of what’s to come this year… 😳Either way- we just have to keep going, caring for ourselves and our families and our neighbors, with kindness being the most important element. Love, Rigmor❤️

    1. 2025 making a dramatic entrance or 2024 making a dramatic exit. I guess we will find out soon enough. It's time to pay close attention to what is going on around us, and to prepare ourselves as best we can for whatever happens next. But it's not a time for being fearful. It is not a time to be fearmongering. Much love to you and your house too, Rigmor.

  22. If you haven't done so, you really should buy a copy of TurboTax and give it a try. I know several people with rentals that use it and it is much much cheaper than paying someone else to do your taxes. Many years ago, I hired someone and then did Turbo Tax afterwards and got the exact same results and it cost me about 8% of what I was paying for a third party to do them. I have done them exclusively on TurboTax ever since.


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