Thursday, December 19, 2024

Christmas preparations.

I went down to feed the cats today, and to pick up some extra insulation batts that we did not use at the new house, and brought it back to the rehab. It was snowing like crazy by the time that I finished there and headed out. Big fluffy flakes after a night of rain made for slush, and a tricky drive home. I saw spots where cars had slid around on the road and I was sick to my stomach as I drove, but I was awfully glad to get back into town. 

I dropped off the insulation. Tim was doing some wiring, and there was nothing I could really do without interrupting that, so I came home and spent the afternoon wrapping.  

I need to buy Tim's gift. I have one thing. I am getting one more, but it is kind of difficult when we're always together. We are not buying a lot for each other this year. He wanted a heated vest for hunting, which I found and bought for him, but there was no use making him wait until Christmas for it. He bought me a new stove and then we both picked out our flooring. That is more than enough Christmas, I think.

I bought two dozen farm fresh eggs for the Christmas strata, which is what we have for breakfast. I like it because you make it the day before, and stick in the fridge over night. Pop it into the oven when you get up the next morning, and you have a good breakfast that feeds whoever comes by. 

8 cups of dried bread, cubed (I like to use a loaf of Italian bread from the day old discount shelf.)

Brown the sausage. I also add my onions, peppers and mushrooms to that, and fry it up all together. If I have some spinach, I toss that in at the end. Drain off any liquid/grease, add it to your cubed bread. 

I use a dozen beaten eggs, 2 cups of milk, 3/4 cup heavy cream blended together. 

Season with 8 ounces of grated cheddar. 

I season with a teaspoon of thyme, 1 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 1/2 tsp of pepper, and a dash of cayenne, mixing it into the egg and milk mixture. Add that to the bread cube/meat vegetable mixture, and stir all together. Put in a greased 9 x 13 pan, cover with foil and stick into the fridge over night. Next morning, remove the foil, bake uncovered in a 350 degree oven, for 50 minutes or so. Watch it. It's done when it is puffed up and golden and doesn't jiggle in the middle. Don't overcook it or it will be dry. 

The cool thing is that if you are not a meat eater, leave the meat out. (If you do not eat eggs or dairy, well...I would suggest something else for breakfast.) You can vary the vegetables used. Just google 'strata' and you will find them, I'm sure. 

Put some juice on the table, and you've got your breakfast. 

My favorite carol this year: The Wexford Carol is the oldest known Christmas carol, dating back to the 13th century. It is as Irish as our Dave. Stop over and check out his dogs all done up in their Christmas finery. 

There are many version of it out there. 

It is a quiet Christmas season here, but there is peace, and that is good. I've been doing a lot of reading. The Tao Te Ching has been providing clarity to these days that I simply do not understand. There is a great deal of anger right now. "Fight, fight!" I don't feel that. What I believe is that we should pay very close attention to what is happening, believe what is being said, and plan accordingly. There is nothing to 'fight'. We can't fight about what will happen, because there are people who simply do not believe that it will happen. Their unbelief will not change the future, however. 

It seems wise to prepare. My sister asked me what I wanted for Christmas. Cow poop, I told her. I told her not to bother wrapping it, but I imagine she'll drive the tractor over, dump a load or two, and then put a bow on it just for giggles. After Christmas, I'll place an order for my seeds. 


  1. Thanks Debby. A K has done quite a few duets with Robert Plank aka Led Zep. Merry Christmas to you and to yours from dog land. I mean West Cork.😀

    1. Robert Plank? Robert Plant even. I should know that surname😀.

    2. Funny...I knew exactly who you were talking about right away. The typo didn't even register. But yeah...Northsider should know about all Plants.

  2. I was going to ask about Christmas strata, but you've given the recipe. It sounds very delicious, and quite slimming, healthy even.

    1. Good grief. You all diet strangely. It is a hugely unhealthy, artery clogging pan of deliciousness. That's why it is a once a year treat.

    2. I make a healthier version with lowfat cottage cheese and vegs like spinach, and bake it in muffin tins so there’s lots of crispy brown; its delicious!

    3. Tim Horton's does a thing with omelet bites, made with cheese, vegetables, egg whites, and baked in a muffin tin. They are prohibitively expensive, but I've often thought they'd be easy enough to make at home.

  3. I love Alison Krause's voice. This was beautiful. Thank you.

    1. She has a beautiful voice. I've heard a few versions of this song, and the song cannot be done properly by anyone who doesn't have the voice of an angel. There is one version where it is sung acapella. The singer's voice is so pure that the song becomes perfect.

  4. I have to say, if it was snowing like that, only feeding cats or horses would have me behind the wheel of my car! Glad you got there and back safely. That sounds a nice breakfast go-to (or for any time really). The Wexford carol is so haunting and beautiful.

    1. I was feeding livestock! I fed 4 cats and the crows. A sentinel crow was watching me carefully, and called out to the others when I scattered their food.

    2. Making friends with the crows! Love it!!! Wonder if they’ll start leaving you gifts?

    3. If they do, I'll be telling you all about it!

  5. Strata reminds me of "The Family Stone," which Dave and I just watched a couple of nights ago. If you've seen it you'll know what I mean.

    Dave and I are doing a low-key Christmas as well. We're giving each other our trip to Whitstable, and that's it!

    1. I think that I've seen it. I actually don't think that I liked it all that much. I just don't find much entertainment in watching highly strung neurotic people...on the television OR in real life. (Don't tell Mary!)

  6. Driving in snow - urgh. I remember those rare snowy days back when I had to drive to work each day. I hated it. so very scary.

    1. Funny thing...after I drive in stuff like this, when I get out of the car, my muscles are so tense I can scarcely walk. I don't notice it while I'm driving...just once the scary part is over.

  7. A crust less quiche! diL does a veggie one, slices go in youngest son's lunchbox.
    We might be getting snow this weekend, but not much.. certainly not as much as you!

    1. You know, that is right...except the quiche filling is poured over bread cubes.

  8. What a beautiful song, beautiful voice, beautiful cello.
    I wouldn't mind a load of cow shit but I think my dogs would have way too much fun rolling in it:)

    1. LOL. I had a 'holy roller' dog. They are a pita aren't they.

  9. I have become lactose intolerant for some reason and last night, experimented making my own cream of something soup with lactose free milk which many recipes call for. In this case, I made cream of chicken and the dish, using up leftovers, turned out quite tasty. So I could probably make the strata if I left out the heavy cream part and just used lactose free milk.

    I was kind of enjoying the peace until the stunt to stop the spending bill happened yesterday. I really dislike the top down driving of this upcoming administration, especially when it kills anything with bipartisan support.

    1. We cannot stand staring in disbelief. We have to believe what we are seeing and prepare ourselves to come through it. It will get worse before it gets better. What in the actual hell is Elon Musk doing advising Republicans to vote or lose their jobs? The circus is in town.

    2. Country Crock makes a dairy free "cream". It comes in a 16 oz. carton and we've used it in homemade ice cream quite successfully.

    3. I hope I never become lactose intolerant!

    4. Ed, You can buy Lactaid tablets (and store brands) — take one a few minutes before you consume dairy. It works!

    5. Kelly - Thanks! I'll have to look for that.

      Anonymous - I do have those tablets and do use them but at least for me, they don't allow me to be completely normal. I have to count on one short notice trip to the bathroom the next day which isn't an issue unless on a road trip somewhere. But it does prevent the all day cramping which I was getting before I started taking the tablets.

      Debby - Yeah, I really wouldn't wish it on anyone, especially for the six months of grief I went through trying to figure out what was wrong. Even after that, I found it especially hard when eating out as many of the foods I like come with milk based cheeses or creme in them. But now that I've got things dialed in and know what I can tolerate and what I can't, it isn't so bad anymore.

  10. Love your wish for some cow poop; cute. Does hubby need another tractor maybe? oh dear; wrong idea. Linda in Kansas

    1. You just HUSH your mouth, Linda! I asked Tim for raised beds for christmas. Big ones. I know right where I want them. The only reason I asked my sister to deliver it is because none of Tim's tractors are 4 Wheel drive. I am afraid that he will get stuck down in their pasture. Their tractor is 4 wheel drive and has pulled us out of a bog more than once.

    2. NEXT year you can get him the 4WD tractor 😆. Clearly he NEEDS it, right??!

    3. Shush!!!! Both of you!!!! *walks off muttering under her breath*

  11. Sue used to make a similar breakfast for Christmas. It was called Wife Saver, which she sometimes mistakenly called Wife Beater. It wasn't your recipe because she wouldn't make anything with sausage.

    I am playing the Wexford Carol at the moment. I knew that I liked it, but couldn't recall the tune. This one is by Alison Krauss with Yo-Yo Ma.

    1. This is Swedish, in origin. You can make it without meat. You can make it with different vegetables, different cheeses. I will bet that the breakfast you remember is a variation of what I make.

  12. Eerie song.
    I should wrap presents today. I dread that as much as I dread everything else about Christmas. Except for fruitcake and I made another one of those yesterday.

    1. I hope Maggie loves her gift! It's very sweet. I got my girls two Indian bangle bracelets. I know that they will love them, even the littlest.

  13. It's good to see that you're rather upbeat and positive today. I hope it spreads around.

  14. I hope to finish wrapping presents today too. I'm looking forward to Christmas being over. I have people staying in my home for the holidays and it is a lot when I'm used to a quiet home. I know it will have moments of fun but it also will be nice when everyone is gone again. ;)

    1. It will be a quiet Christmas here. I know that we've been invited out for supper, but have no idea how the day will go.

  15. One of my girls makes a similar "breakfast casserole" using ham. That is a gorgeous rendition of The Wexford Carol. (I almost called it the Coventry Carol, which I also love)

    1. It is a beautiful. I knew it, forgot I knew it, and somehow was reminded of it.

      Apropos to absolutely nothing, today I heard Pachelbel's Canon. With a choir. They were singing. I have never heard lyrics for that.

  16. I am glad there is peace and that is really good to hear. I have been letting go of a lot of anger since November and focusing on what I can control. Take care and enjoy that cow poop.

    1. You have to, Matt. We can't change it. I wish we could, but we can't. So we need to prepare for it.

  17. Yikes, the strata sounds good, of course anything with cheese, heavy cream, & sausage has to be! Gotta love your Christmas wish for cow poop!

    1. It made my sister laugh. I think she thought I was kidding. Totally not.

  18. I'm doing quiches. First because I have several pottery quiche dishes. I bought them for Christmas one year for myself, my mom, my gramma and my great aunt. And I am the only one left so I have all four. I make a crustless quiche and put it in pitchers the night before. Then I can just pour it in the buttered dishes in the morning. We are having 23 here for Christmas breakfast on my Christmas day which is Sunday. Now that I am doing the math, I need to see if I have ingredients for maybe a french toast casserole too.

    1. You are a lucky grandma! I need to get over and see how your weekend went.

  19. The world seems more divided and intolerant than ever., overly complicated, little harmony.

    1. It does feel like that. I found myself leaving several groups that are just recycling the anger...the same comments over and over. It's done. We're in a bad place. I believe it will get worse. Others think that this is the beginning of the best years ever. No point in debating it. I'll believe what I see, plan for what I see. I find it interesting the the fecal material already seems to be hitting the rotary oscillator. He hasn't even taken office.

  20. The strata sounds wonderful. I have not made quiche or anything like it in decades. Cow poop is an excellent present. Do you have to compost it, or can you use it fresh out of the cow, without burning the plants.

    1. The beauty of it is that it is already rotted. There's a pile of old manure in the pasture.


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