Wednesday, December 4, 2024

There's no business like snow business

 You're probably sick of hearing about this:

But wait! There's more!

We've got another lake effect snow coming even as I type this. 

It is expected to last through Saturday, with estimates of 10-18 more inches of snow. 

To put this all in perspective, Erie has between 4=6 feet of snow on the ground, depending on where you are. That's 48-72 inches of snow. Their average snow fall is 104 inches for the entire winter. At the extreme end of the spectrum, it is possible that some areas will see 90 inches of snow for this week.

The governor has declared Erie a disaster area. The National Guard is there, and snow removal teams have come from all over the state to help, bringing in equipment and badly needed manpower. They've got people working 12 hours shifts. Two house roofs have collapsed, and other people are evacuated because their roofs are showing dangerous signs. A barn collapsed killing five cows. Streets are being plowed by priority of traffic, and some back streets have yet to see a plow. An elderly woman was so grateful to be dug out today. She was running low on food. According to the reporting, she's not an isolated case. Scary stuff. 

We've had more snow in the past 24 hours than we'd been getting, and they have also told us to brace for another 10 inches before it is done.  That's not so bad, comparatively speaking. We've got everything we need, and we'll just stay close to home if we need to. They've canceled school tomorrow. I am sure that William is shedding little tears at that. (Not). 

Speaking of William, this popped up on my FB memories today, from a post I made 7 years ago. William would have been 6 years old. 

One of William's favorite things is slime. We make our own. When I found a recipe for gingerbread slime, I decided it would be a nice project. So yesterday we had him for a few hours, so we whipped up a batch. He poured in the glue and water, added ginger and cinnamon, stirred it all up and began to add the glitter. He was shaking it out, which would have taken forever. I was off to the side mixing the borax solution, so I said, helpfully, "You can just unscrew that top and dump it in, if you want." With his keen ear for rhymes he said, " 'Screw' and 'you'. That rhymes!" Wincing a little, I said, "Very well done. They DO rhyme." William stirred the glitter into his mixture softly chanting, "Screw you. Screw you." I said, "What rhymes with yellow? We came up with fellow, hello, bellow, jello..." Crisis narrowly averted.

Whoo boy. I do remember that day. 

Turkey carcass simmering over night in the crock pot. Tomorrow, I will strip the meat from the bones, and make either a pot pie, or soup. Maybe both. Depends on the weather, I guess. 


  1. I hope you can stay warm and that your friends and neighbors all stay safe. You are getting crazy amounts of snow! We are west of the Cleveland snow belt and have gotten nothing. We get Cleveland news stations and they are crazy with snow too. My husband's family has some teachers north of Buffalo. They never have snow days. They cancelled last week and are cancelling tomorrow too.

  2. We are just getting rain. I won't mind snow, but we need rain. I hope you don't get too buried up!
    I make green tomato mincemeat. I have the recipe on my blog somewhere. I can send the link if you are interested. I make a meatless version which is not as strong as the kind with meat in it, but both are good.

  3. It is so difficult to imagine weather like you are experiencing. The last time I was in snow in a vehicle, I was scared. That's not my usual driving feelings. You can't see road lines, borders or obstacles.
    I think I remember the slime, so I must have been reading your blog for quite some time now.

  4. The weather everywhere seems to have gone crazy all of a sudden. So much snow there and floods and torrential rain all over Europe. It is like one of those 1970s disaster movies.
    I hope you can stay safe and warm.

  5. Good grief - indeed, as Andrew said, it is hard to imagine the magnitude of snow that Erie has experienced. We are being threatened with snow between next week and Christmas, so I will have to make sure I have plenty of cat food in. Meanwhile, we are just threatened with gales and heavy rain.

  6. Good gracious! I feel sorry for people who live alone and have no-one with whom to share the burden. It's hard to be upbeat on your own.

  7. It’s such a big event for such an early date. We haven’t gotten nearly as much, but the plows are out. School buses were cancelled yesterday, but today is more of a route-by-route basis, but an awful lot have been cancelled.

  8. We got our first snow yesterday. It looked bad in the morning but it amounted to only about an inch. OK by me. Stay safe Debby. Gigi

  9. Once about 15 or 16 years ago, we had a storm that left 24 inches of that white stuff behind. It was probably the single biggest snow fall I have witnessed in my life. I can barely imagine 72 inches.

  10. No. I simply cannot imagine that. This is not a reality I have ever encountered. I did live in Denver for one and a half winters and we had nothing like that while I was there and yet, it was still too much snow for me. I would stand outside and bellow to the heavens, "SCREW YOU!" That would help, right?

  11. Hope you stay safe, Debby. I'm making turkey soup today too!

  12. That is a mountain of snow. Many people will not be ready to cope with this situation.

  13. 4-6 feet is a disaster. Good move by Shapiro to mass the resources necessary to help.

  14. This just sounds terrible to me. When we lived in Seattle, a city of glaciated hills and drivers with bad tires and no snow driving skills, it was apocalyptic if we got any of the white stuff. You sound very prepared for all eventualities.

  15. Wow, that is some unbelievable snow. We've heard some about it here but I don't think I realized it was THAT bad. Funny FB memory!

  16. It isn't doing weather by halves is it?!

  17. Wow- so much snow!! Almost like living in northern Norway!😅We woke up to about 3 inches of what my brother (who lives in Norway) calls ‘white shit’ - and I was so happy!😁Roads are clear, so no worries, which is the best kind of snow in my opinion.. Your William memory is so funny! Amazing how fast time goes by.. I hope he’s doing well! Stay safe and warm… xo, Rigmor


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 I don't have any words of wisdom. I did find some here though.