Sunday, December 1, 2024

 We'll go back up tomorrow and finish getting our deer ready to process, with the intention of cutting and packing on Tuesday. One will be our 'hamburger' deer. With the exception of the backstraps, every thing else will be ground into burger and packaged into one pound packets. The other will be cut up into steaks and roasts. 

Backstraps, AKA 'Preacher meat', so named because it is the tenderest meat of the deer and the sort of meat that you'd serve your best the preacher.  I'm pretty sure that you'd go to hell for grinding that up. 

So. That's been the project today. 

This is the high holy day of football. The first 'can't be missed' game was at 1. The Steelers beat the Bengals. The last game of the day is on right now. The Bills are playing San Francisco. For those who don't follow football, the Bills are from Buffalo, and Buffalo is in the middle of the big snow. Fans showed up to dig the stadium out for the game today. Six feet of snow. 

They got it done, though, and the game is on going as I type. The Bills are winning 21-3. To be expected really. Buffalo is used to snow. California doesn't see much of it, let alone 6 feet of it. It is snowing like crazy right now, nearly a white out.  It almost seems like an unfair advantage. 

The most amazing thing to me is that people are sitting there in a blizzard watching the game. My son and his wife had that experience once. As a surprise, his wife bought him tickets to a Bills game. There was a terrible storm, but they drove six hours to see that game anyway. We have wonderful pictures of two half frozen abominable snow people sitting in their bleacher seats as the snow fell heavily. One of them was still smiling. 

It took them way longer than 6 hours to get home, and the takeaway from this experience was that given the choice between freezing in their bleacher seats, and watching from the warm comfort of their own livingroom, they'd pick the livingroom every time. 

I cooked our Thanksgiving turkey today, and we were thankful. 


  1. My husband was watching the game on TV. I'm just thankful I don't have to play football outside in the snow and the cold.
    Sounds like your two does will have you guys set for the winter.

    1. This is actually our 2nd and 3rd doe of the season. He took his first during archery. The venison will have us set for the year. We can also afford to be generous.

  2. My husband is originally from the Buffalo area. They are a wild and crazy bunch and several feet of snow doesn't faze them a bit!

    1. Oh, that's funny! Is he a Bills fan too? I think when you have that amount of snow fall on you, it does make you just the tiniest bit crazy. I think the more snow you get, the crazier you become.

  3. Such fan dedication is hard for me to understand.
    I hope your turkey was deliciously tender.

    1. It turned out very well. I used herbed butter. I did not stuff it. It came out very moist. We had hot turkey sandwiches last night for supper. We are having turkey salad sandwiches for lunch today. We do love turkey leftovers.

  4. Well done to the fans! I suppose that they are used to snow...but the living room is a wise choice.

    1. It would be my choice. I can't call myself a fan though.

  5. I can't believe how far people are prepared to drive in your country. 6 hours would be a drive from here in SE England to Scotland ! ( and you would have to come back as well!) I am already not looking forward to an hour and a half drive soon to see my brother for lunch!

    1. We're spread over a much bigger area that your country. That's just how it is. One thing that I love about your country though is how set up it is to walk where ever you need to go in town. That's pretty neat.

  6. I baulk at an hour's drive all the way down to the airport!!

    1. It depends on why I'm driving. If it's for good cause, I will drive a long way. If it is for silliness, I won't.

  7. The Bills deserve their success. They're hardy people. Life in the UK grinds to a halt with just a few inches of snow!

    1. Their fans are devoted ones, that's for sure.

  8. Your son and his wife had an experience that they will talk about forever but that they won't ever wish to repeat. We had our first, light snowfall yesterday.

    1. That's pretty much what we are getting here. You comment made me laugh. My daughter in law posted a picture of the two of them snow covered and freezing in the bleachers. Said that last night's game was bringing back terrible memories.
      Here's a link, if you want to read more about it. I'd forgotten that the game went into overtime as well.,in%20Orchard%20Park%2C%20New%20York.

  9. It’s nice that Tim got his dear before the snow came. We still don’t have any snow in TO. I just don’t understand football fans as I hate the sport. Most Canadians are hockey fans, but I am over hockey too. It has gotten so rough. The fans go just to see the fights. Will Tim still go hunting or is two enough. Gigi

    1. Actually, it's his third deer this season. He took a doe in archery. I'm not sure what his plans are, to be truthful. The pressure is off, that's for sure. We have enough venison in the freezer to be generous.

  10. I would not sit in snow to watch Jesus and all his angels descend from the heavens. Pretty sure that's not going to be an option.
    I'm curious to know too- is that going to be it for Tim this year or will he go back. out?

    1. I think that the Evangelicals will tell you that it is compulsory, so there's that.

      I don't know what Tim will do once these are processed. He still has tags for one more doe and a buck.

  11. I don't like driving in the snow or walking in the snow either. I'll stay inside, thank you very much! ;)

    1. It's something that you just sort of learn to adapt to. However, sitting in the bleachers to watch a sports event in a blizzard...that's something that I don't ever see myself adapting to. Nor would I want to.

  12. I will never understand sitting in freezing weather with snow falling to watch a football game. Mind you I'm not judging those who do, but it's not for this cowboy. I did go through a football phase quite some time ago but it was always enjoyed in the comfort of someone's home with appropriate refreshments!

    1. Which seems to me to be the correct way to enjoy any entertainment. (No. I am not a sports fan, although Sundays are given over to sports.)

  13. I cannot imagine six feet of snow. And I cannot imagine shoveling a stadium!

  14. I guess it's a personal failing, but I don't get team sports at all. I'll watch gymnastics at the Olympics, but that's about it.


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 Yesterday, Tim came home. He needed to replace some ammunition for next hunting season. Much to his surprise, he found it on sale, and in a...