Saturday, December 7, 2024

The Old Fellas

It seems as if our snow is done, at least for this round. Tim went up to go hunting. He got another deer, so he's pretty pleased. Do we have room in the freezer for it? Yes. We do. 

As for me, I spent the day at home doing house-y type things. Rugs got washed, floors got mopped. I was waiting for a delivery. A Christmas gift was arriving in two packages. It was probably about 3-ish when I looked out and saw a box on the porch. Just the one box. I spent some time tracking packages and found that the other package is now due to arrive on Monday. 

Tim suggested going out to dinner tonight. It felt nice to dress up and put on some make up. After that, we got a bit more Christmas shopping done. We stopped at the grocery store to pick up onions. I cannot tell you how that even happened, that I ran out of onions, of all things. It's like running out of potatoes or garlic. Anyways, we were coming across the parking lot, as a car pulled up next to ours. A man got out and threw his arms in the air and called, 'Hello!' 

It was a boy that Tim had in his Sunday school class long ago. We've always thought a lot of him, and there he was with his wife, who I'd never met, but seemed awfully nice. 

Justin complained about how poor hunting has been this season. I laughed and jerked a thumb at Tim. "This one got his fourth today." He didn't believe me. Tim verified it. Justin said, "Jees. I have a hard time even walking when the snow is this deep." Tim said, "I know it." Justin said, "Did you hear about ---------?" and he launched into a story about a local hunter who had died of a heart attack on opening day while dragging his deer out of the woods. He said to Tim, "You need to be careful..." 

These young whippersnappers can make a body feel pretty decrepit. 

We stopped in to buy cat food. All of a sudden the ferals we take care of here have begun turning up their collective noses at the canned Friskies (Now with Extra Gravy!) I am pretty sure it is what they've been eating right along. I tried to find something that might work better for the connoisseurs. Now we are trying the pate. The rejected cat food won't go to waste. The 'kittens' are not foodies. 

A very high spirited man about our age was pushing a cart along with an air mattress and a baby crib. His wife followed along behind with a cart full of groceries. Obviously had company coming in for the holidays. I moved back out of the way as he maneuvered the awkward cart into the checkout lane. 

He said, "Don't tell me. You're waiting on your husband!" I laughed and said I was. "He needed some Twizzlers." 

Looking over my shoulder, he said, "Here he comes, and with bananas too." He called out to Tim, "I asked your wife if she was waiting for her husband, and she said she was and that you were worth every bit of the wait." 

Tim said in a voice as loud as his, "Your wife is great too. I get all my drugs from her." He and his wife both burst into laughter as the people nearby whipped their heads around to look at us. (Spoiler: his wife works in the pharmacy.)

So. That was today. Tomorrow we will quarter the deer and get it in the fridge. The temperatures will begin warming tomorrow and it is not safe to let meat hang in 50 degree weather. We will cut early next week.


  1. You must have enough meat for an army! I'm amazed you still have freezer space. I like your stories about local encounters. It shows how deeply rooted you are in your community.

    1. Funny Steve. I don't feel deeply rooted, but I like that you see it that way.

  2. Dress, makeup, check. Loving husband for a a nice meal out, check.
    Buy onions on the way home, uncheck. The evening is going nowhere.
    We Boomers are well aware of our physical condition and don't need reminding of our decrepitude.
    Great story from the grocery store, with Tim's supplier now being identified.

    1. Everyone should know who is handing out drugs, don't you think?

  3. Lovely to be sociable..even if it is just shopping! Good to have dinner out, a nice break from the round of cooking and washing up.

    I'm looking at my larder, thinking what do I need to eat or process before the end of December, and what will be ok until mid March.

    1. You're off on a big adventure! I can't wait to hear all about it. I've been thinking of you, and I hope that you have a place and people to celebrate Christmas with this year. It's a 'first' and 'firsts' can be hard to mark by yourself.

  4. The drugs comment made me smile as it is exactly the kind of comment my husband would make. I bet Tim enjoyed the reactions it got, as I know my husband would have!

    1. It was so funny. The pharmacy where she works is in the store we were shopping at, so some of the people got the joke. Others were not quite sure. But it got a good laugh, even from people standing in the next line over.

  5. A lovely chatty blog post. Life is good.

    1. Life IS good. Sometimes we forget to look for it, don't we?

  6. Sounds like you have a full freezer to start the winter with. How nice to meet friendly people (ones you know and new ones!) Our town is very friendly and caring.

    1. It is nice. Those two little exchanges with friendly people really were fun.

  7. A good night out, even if you did grocery shopping. As a vegetarian don't envy you the deer, just hope it was a clean shot ;)

    1. Tim is actually very good at that. He won't risk a shot if he's not certain of it. He hasn't got the heart to think of making an animal suffer. I don't like processing all that meat, to be honest, but it's a very nice thing to be in a position to be in. We have enough to share. Tim can get one more deer, a buck only, but this really does take the pressure off. If he doesn't get it, we'll be more than fine.

  8. It's a boost to the spirits casually to meet people you know and exchange a few words and a laugh. It's good to have a change of scenery, too.

    1. It is, Jabblog. It did me a world of good to just get out and relax.

  9. It may be that the younger guy has to be more careful than the older guy. It does seem like men in their 40s can be quite susceptible, at least judging from what we hear about snow-shovelling heart attacks.

    1. It seems so from where I sit as well, but when you're a young whippersnapper like Justin (who is in his 40s, somewhere), you are still invincible.

  10. My word! Tim is gettin' after it this year!
    Do you find that the dad jokes are getting more frequent? My god. Glen is cracking them left and right and I sometimes shudder they are so bad.
    Honestly, though- that guy in the store who warned Tim about the possibility of a heart attack was bordering on rude. How do you say, "You are old," without saying, "You are old."?

    1. I've always seen Justin as a endearing over grown puppy. He did not intend rudeness. It popped into his head and he said it.

  11. I just found your blog recently and really enjoy your stories. What state are you in - your limits are much higher on deer than we have here. In Illinois where I am, we have a limit of 2 deer (one antlered, one non antler), and Missouri where we have a cabin, the limits are similar. Our states should have more liberal limits as the deer are becoming over populated and its just a matter of time before chronic wasting disease takes over.

    1. Hi, Chad. Our limits are the same, except that due to a serious over population of deer, Tim is allowed to put his name into a lottery for an extra doe tag. He got his extra deer tag, which meant he was able to take two doe and a buck this year. We have a friend who we gave right of way to. This allows him passage through to his acreage (which is vast) which lies behind ours. As a thank you, he gave two "DMAP" tags to Tim for that acreage. It is a timber lot and he receives these permits from the state. It allows him to harvest additional deer from that area to minimize deer damage to young trees. So...Tim had permits to take 4 doe and one buck. He's filled the four during archery, two last Saturday, and another yesterday. He's got another week for his buck.

    2. PS: This is northwestern Pennsylvania. We are about 30 minutes south of the NY state line, and about 1 1/2 hours east of the Ohio State line, in Warren County

  12. That sounds like a good day. Especially meeting that young man, and the people at the checkout!

    1. It was fun. Laughter is something that has been missing lately.

  13. It's raining deer! I get a kick out of 40 yr olds thinking they are bulletproof, I know I did back then, but boy, does it pull you up short when you have that 1st event that tells you in no uncertain terms that you're not!

    1. It's hard for me to wrap my head around the idea that forty years ago was over 25 years back for me.

    2. Even hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that it was 38 for me. YIKES!

    3. Okay, Jim. I vote we stop the math games right this minute.

  14. Sounds to have been a good high-spirited day.

    1. It just fun. It's been a while since we just set it all aside and had fun.

  15. With old fellas there are always interesting stories.

    1. There's an old fella up in Red Deer that's got a bunch of 'em.

  16. I love people who laugh and joke. Great post Debby!

    1. That fellow in the store was so full of humor it was impossible not to join in.

  17. What a perfect day! My husband is watching a movie while I decorate and one of the characters just got a 825 lb elk. I was wondering how much it would cost to get it processed and my husband said, duh, I am sure he does it himself. Duh. :) Anyway, great skills to have.
    I got taken out to dinner too. It is nice every once in a while. I love your stories from shopping. What a great night.

    1. It was just kind of a nothing day, where things got done.


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 I don't have any words of wisdom. I did find some here though.