Thursday, December 19, 2024


 It was a long day. The wrapping is done, except for one thing that arrived tonight. And another thing which I found upstairs that I forgot, which should have gone into the package that I mailed. Oh...and a gift that was larger than any gift bag I had. (At this point, fearful of what I will find, I'm not looking around much.) 

Can you all keep a secret? My sister's birthday is Saturday. Her favorite baking dish was a yellow pyrex one, probably from the late 40s. She loved it. It had a glass lid. Somehow, under very tragic circumstances, that dish came up missing after a family party. She had her lid, but the dish itself was gone. She sent out a mass message to the family, but no one ever got it back to her. Every holiday, once again, she does a message about her dish, just in case someone comes across it in the course of getting ready for the big day.

Vintage pyrex is pretty pricey, and she's a practical sort who is not going to spend $30 on an old dish (it is genetic, I suppose), but she really did love that dish. Out of curiosity, I was looking on line. I found the same dish, the same size, even the same color! It was going cheaply because the woman did not have the glass lid that goes with it, which made me laugh. So that is my sister's birthday present and I honestly think that I'm more excited about this than I am about any Christmas present I have bought. I cannot wait until Saturday! If you see her, DO NOT BREATHE A WORD!

The day started early. I was up at 6:30 for an appointment. Then we went to the school to see my husband's grandson receive a special award. He is a math genius, in the true sense of the word. He loves numbers, and when other kids were learning to add and subtract, he had taught himself to multiply and divide by watching you-tube videos. He's a neat kid. 

Then it was off to take care of the cats and crows at the new build, and Tim had an appointment to get two new tires on the car. Johnny works at that garage, and it always gives me a chuckle to think that an Amish man is making his living working on cars. 

A nothing day, really, but I kept myself busy and I got a lot of nothing done.
 Tomorrow is a big day too. I've got pulled pork barbecue to do, a cake to bake, a pan of macaroni and cheese. At 5:30, we are headed over to have a Christmas party with Levi and Mattie and the kids, which is always a good time. When we pull up in the driveway, the kids coming running out. They are excited to unload the car. They carry in the gifts and stack them on a table in the corner, chattering away in Pennsylvania Dutch. We eat supper by lantern light, and the kids' eyes keep darting over to that stack of gifts while we eat.

It is just fun to watch their excitement. The big box on the end is something that will tickle is full of books, and it delights me to no end how thrilled they all get over a simple box of books. There's probably 40-50 books in there, books for everyone, even grandma. The gift I am most excited about is a game. It is called 'Shut the Box'. I can't wait to teach them how to play it. I know that they will catch on very quickly. They all have very quick minds. 

On that bright note, I'm going to bed. I hauled the wrapped box of books out to the hall to put with the other things. It was heavy enough that it really aggravated my knee. I will let Tim haul it out to the car, and as I mentioned, we won't have to worry about unloading the stuff from the car.


  1. I am so looking forward to hearing how the Christmas with Levi and family goes. Sounds great fun. Margaret from New Zealand

    1. It is. It is so much fun. Just such a nice relaxing, uncomplicated evening. Lots of laughter.

  2. I had that yellow dish and got the set as a wedding gift in 1965. There was a yellow dish and a blue on half the size and 2 red ones half the size of the blue one. The blue one and two red ones fit perfect in the yellow one. I still have the blue one and one red one and the lids. I have so much corning ware that I got as wedding gifts and still use them when I do cook. I gave my granddaughter some of the ones with blue designs on them.

    1. I received the same set as a wedding shower gift in 1960 and still have that same casserole, plus one of the little ones. My set is white with a blue pattern around it. The pattern is a little faded after all these years. I also have the complete mixing bowl set in pink and white from the same bridal shower.

  3. Gift giving is such a satisfying experience especially when you know how much they will be appreciated.
    Happy Birthday to your sister.

    1. She was thrilled, really. She couldn't believe that I'd found it.

  4. Your secret is safe with me. I would be very surprised if I see your sister here in SE England! What a lovely colour the dish is.

    1. It is nice. It comes from a set that had two smaller red dishes and a blue one, all of them with their own lids.

  5. So good that it turned up at the right time!
    Gift giving is fun...I enjoy the challenge of wrapping so that the contents aren't obvious!

    Have a great time xx

    1. Oooh. GZ. you have given me a most nefarious plan.

  6. Good work with the dish and with the Amish gifts. I recently saw a photo of hundreds of Amish men carrying a barn as they moved it form one spot to another.

  7. I think your sister will be an happy bunny Debby.

    1. She was a happy bunny...she hopped right up and went for her lid.

  8. That's a beautiful colored dish and how delighted she'll be when your sister unwraps her gift. And for certain, she'll never let it out of her site at any future events! I envy your upcoming gathering with Levi and family. Such fun.

    1. I have a notion it will not even make it to any future events.

  9. My mother had those very dishes, the whole set, as I was growing up. Such nice sizes, and so useful, too. Months from now, perhaps, you will find yet another stash of Christmas-forgotten gifts and can use them for birthdays....

    1. Today, I found a half dozen more. I got them wrapped and where they need to be. I think I'm done. I know I said it before, but I do believe that this time I really mean it!

  10. What a perfect find! Oh, she will be over the moon! Oh how Matti and Levi's kids will enjoy the presents - especially the books.

  11. I can't help but wonder, perhaps the woman who sold you the dish, was at the party where the dish went missing! No likely but what a coincidence.

    It reminds me of my crockpot. My wife asked me to heat up something in it for her and I dug it out and got it going but the lid didn't fit anymore and couldn't trap the steam anymore. It went to a similarly sized crockpot that was more oblong than ours. After a minute, I guessed that it somehow got swapped at a party we took it to several months ago and told my wife who asked around. Sure enough, one of our friends found out they had a crockpot lid that didn't fit their crockpot either. We did a lid swap and everything is right in the world again!

    1. I bought it from ebay. The woman is closer to you than to us, geographically speaking. Her daughter-in-law knows what I did, and she said, "You know...she's going to think you're the one who swiped her dish." Which struck me as hilarious. I'm tucking the thank you card into the dish, just in case.

  12. Doesn't it feel wonderful to find the absolutely perfect gift for someone? THAT is a joy. You done good, lady.

    1. That is the best feeling. That gift was the best thing I've done in a long time.

  13. I smiled at your reply to Ed - I thought " I bet she'll think you've had hers all the time............. " then you said the same thing - sounds like something my own sister would think. My own sister had a set of 6 ramekin dishes in 3 colours 2 that same yellow, 2 peachy and 2 turquoise - same era, same make etc bet your sister would have liked them too. Hope everyone loves the gifts, looking forward to hearing all about it. Enjoy it all, Elaine UK

    1. My sister immediately said, "I knew it wasn't mine. Mine had a mark right here on the handle! I know my dishes."

  14. I'm glad your sister is many miles away from me because I'm notorious for spilling beans! I LOVE Shut the Box! Hope the recipients enjoy it as much as I do. Merry Christmas to all!

    1. Oh, they did Bob. There were 3 kids and me playing. I taught them the game so that they could teach it to the others. It is a six player game. I was pleased at how well made it was.

  15. Giving is more pleasing than receiving. Your sister will love her gift. I'd love to see the Amish family's delight as they unwrap those carefully selected gifts. What a lovely friend you are.

    1. It is fun to watch the kids. I pick the gifts with real care over the course of the year, so as not to give offense, and every time that I find one more thing to add to that stack of things, it delights me to no end. The box of books was the huge excitement for the oldest kids and their parents. There was a tin box filled with wooden puzzles/brain teasers. Jigsaw puzzles. A stuffed teddy bear. I was not sure how that would go over, but I had a book called "Old Bear", so I put the bear in a bag holding that book on his lap. He was immediately snatched up and passed around and marveled over. There was a zoo contained photographs from our trip to the zoo last summer, along with some zoo animals, a 3 D book about animals. An arts box which had paper, paints, brushes, colored pencils, regular pencils and a twirling mega caddy of crayons, candy, Shut the Box, a perplexus ball. A lot of things, most of it thrift store finds, and it seemed like everyone found their favorite things right away. It just makes me happy to be a part of that.

  16. I love vintage Corning ware. In Spokane I have a pie plate, a round casserole and a casserole with the autumn flowers on the side. Of the mixing bowls set, I have the large yellow bowl. When we lived in the RV, there was a second hand store with 3 nesting mixing bowls that I didn't buy because where would I put them. That was dumb, I still regret that decision. Your Christmas plans and presents are sounding quite joyous.

    1. Just after I read that, I found a woman selling three complete sets of them together for $100 for all of them. I was shocked. I thought that was an amazing price.

  17. I still have your private message which included the yellow casserole story in my inbox to respond back to you. So I am counting this! What a great find! So perfect and I can't imagine how excited she will be!!!!
    I didn't get married until the 1970's. I received the Corning Ware avocado bowls and casseroles (and dishes) for my wedding gifts. I occasionally see some of my mom's corning ware in my daughter's cupboards and I think they have bought back some of my avocado stuff I donated to Goodwill, LOL.
    I had a metal/porcelain lined casserole pan with a glass lid I got as a gift as part of a set. The pots and pans never heated evenly and I donated them but hung on to the casserole for no reason. I did use it once to take a dish to a funeral dinner. I was contacted by a family whose mother had the casserole as a favorite dish and something had happened to hers. They wondered if I was willing to sell it. Nope, they could have it!!!

    1. She was very excited. She said several times that she couldn't believe she had her dish back. She said she was so happy she could cry.

  18. Thinking about you now- imagining your Christmas party with your Amish friends! Hope you’re having a blast!😍🎄🥰 Xo, Rigmor

  19. And as the sister tidies her home in preparation for Christmas, she finally takes the plunge and disposes of the now useless glass lid for her lost dish. (I am most excellent at spoiling nice things)

    1. The gift of the magi….

    2. I knew that my sister would die with that lid. Hope springs eternal. My biggest fear was that the lid would match. I mean it should have, based on the measurements, but I was very relieved to see that it actually did.

  20. What a wonderful Christmas party! The children will be so excited.

    1. They were, Joanne. They were very excited. The warm kitchen was filled with happy farting. (they each got a can of flarp!!) It is so fun to watch.

  21. Re. the Pyrex -- what a perfect gift! (Though I must admit Andrew's scenario above made me laugh...) I'm always heartened when I hear about people who are excited to get books for the holidays. :)

    1. Oh, it absolutely was the perfect gift. She was thrilled. I was pretty sure that she was still hanging on to the lid, because she's a very optimistic soul. She was sure that her dish would turn up, or that she'd find another at the thrift store. She was shocked to pieces when she opened it, jumped up, grabbed the lid and it was perfect. She had pictures on facebook within 5 minutes. And you would have been very heartened to see the excitement over that box of books. In a quiet moment, I saw Andy with one of them. He was engrossed before the excitement had died down.

  22. I see above that the gift giving has occurred - was there a ceremonial placing of the lid to see if they reunification was complete?

  23. I wish you were my sister. That is so thoughtful of you.


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