Thursday, December 26, 2024

Boxing Day, American Style.

We had a nice Christmas. It started out at my daughter's house with her fiance and my grandson. He seemed pleased with Christmas. It is was his 3rd celebration. He's got one more this weekend. I think he's got everything a 13 year old boy could ever wish for. 

We came home and opened gifts to each other. That was nice. I got what I wanted. (Don't laugh!) A CD player. I have an awful lot of old CDs and no way to play them outside of the car. Tim didn't even think they sold them anymore. Lucky for me, he was wrong about that. 

Then we gathered up another load of gifts and headed off to another party. That was fun too. 

And now it is done. 

This morning, we were off to the rehab. We got the dining room ceiling finished. The other big project that Tim wanted to do was to get the cast iron bathroom sink off the wall. 

One of these: 

It is a nice sink, and it matches well with the clawfoot tub: 

(Both of these are stock photos)

We would have to reglaze both of them, which isn't a big deal. People like clawfoot tubs, and the bathroom will have a separate shower, which will mean that we won't have to have the clunky curtain surround. So that part was easy to make up our minds on. The sink though. People like counter space. There is no counter space for this sink. So. We're sort of debating back and forth on it. 

Tomorrow, we'll begin work on the plumbing. 


  1. A CD player! So I am not alone in preferring hard copy to streaming....which doesn't work too well at our house anyway.
    Email me your address and I will send you my ghost stories CDs. I bet William would enjoy those tales.

    1. I have a pandora account. I don't know that I prefer it, but I have so many CDs. It's nice just to pull some of the old stuff out and have a listen to it again.

  2. I had a collection of cassette tapes for my car. When cars started coming with cd players, I was able to find replacement cds for most of them. Now I guess you stream in cars? I have my cd collection, too and no way to play them.

    1. I play music on my phone while I'm driving, but I don't know how to sync the bluetooth.

  3. I grew up with that exact sink in our bathroom and really hated that I couldn’t run warm water…. So I guess this is one vote :)

    On the other hand, it’s surely not going to break a sale, so there’s the canceling vote 😂

    See how helpful I am? 😋

    1. Actually, that's very helpful to me. I hadn't even considered that. I guess we feel a great deal of pressure to make our kitchens and bathrooms functional and well designed. We still get compliments on the kitchen of a house that we did like 12 years ago. It was huge, and my husband painted it a color I didn't like. In the end, with the tile and the counters and the floor (I burned that linoleum off the floor one tile at a time), it all worked. Every house we've ever sold, except for two, sold within two weeks. One took a summer. The other house sold quickly enough, but it took forever to work the details out. The deal actually fell through, but the woman wanted it so badly she went into the bank and screamed her head off until they got things moving. God bless her little cursing heart.

  4. I love that sink! I too am without counter space and prefer it that way, no clutter can accumulate. I vote for keeping it.

    1. I need a place for my water pik!

    2. Ah yes, ok the counter space it is unless… you can built in the Waterpik…just saying

  5. I like the sink. There’s room for a toothbrush, so all is good. No clutter is better. And it is nice quality. Olivia in the PNW

    1. A certain amount of space is a necessity. A place to put your hair tools while you're doing your hair, for instance. They go in a basket when I'm done, but counter space is nice (at our current house, we have just a small amount of it). The water pik needs a place to sit while it is being used. Things like that. The counter doesn't need to be cluttered to be useful.

  6. Looks like maybe you could put a faucet in the middle instead of the separate hot and cold faucets?

    1. Perhaps. I'll have to talk to the head plumber on the job.

  7. How quickly it all passes. I'm glad you had a good time and received gifts you really appreciated.

    1. It was, but I enjoy the build up to it. Someday, though, I want to be able to really dive into it. Tim's always got a project going. I'd like to ease back from that kind of life.

  8. Ah, a cd player! We gave up all the cd's years ago, but we have kept all of our treasured dvd's! I imagine we will succumb to streaming movies and tv shows at some point, too, as cable is ridiculously expensive. Especially for the 5,000 channels we don't care to watch, ever. I well remember those sinks, and sorry, I vote for more counter space! You could mount that sink onto a lovely old antique chest of drawers. Sounds like you've had a lovely time for Christmas.

    1. I should start tallying up these votes. We don't have a lot of DVDs. I guess I can't think of a whole lot of movies that we love enough to want to see several times over.

  9. All my CD's were long ago digitized and then I began buying CD's that others were discarding and digitizing them. I'm guessing I have around 2000 of them (20,000+ songs) on my computer hard drive. I have a few playlists that I upload onto my smart phone so I can listen to music where ever I may be and I keep a thumb drive of all my favorites for my vehicle. The CD's themselves have been stripped of their packaging and are in a very heavy small plastic tote on a shelf in the basement. I'm not sure what will become of them but it likely will be a problem for one of my kids to deal with.

    1. That's the sensible thing, I suppose. A lot of these CDs are from my younger days when I owned them on vinyl. There's just something very comforting about listening to a full album and knowing what some comes next, etc. It's just how I am.

  10. If I got near that bath. I would figuring out to drill drainage holes in it and planting it with plants and vegetables Debby. They come from a very glamorous age and not just functional like today.

    1. LOL. We see many of these tubs standing forlorn and lonely out in a pasture to water the cattle.

  11. I have a very similar sink and I hate it! I also hate my bathtub as I would never be able to get out of it if I had a bath. (knee replacements) I would love a walk in shower instead, but my house will be torn down and rebuilt when I die so I don’t put anymore big money into it. I have used it this way for over 40 years and before that lived in the house next door which was built by same builder, for over 20 years. This house had a major reno but they did almost nothing in bathroom and kitchen. We did kitchen but never did the bathroom. Wish we had made a shower where the tub is, but hey ho I can still climb into tub for a shower . That is my two cents for what it is worth from an old lady. Gigi

    1. As my knee gets worse, I notice that I am having the same problem. The tub in the new house is a modern one with a low profile. We will have handgrips. I am most disappointed to discover that after a knee replacement, you still have difficulty with your tub. I expected a miraculous return to jumping around like a youngster. The rehab has a separate shower room. We took out the ridiculously huge walk in linen closet, put in a glass block floor to ceiling window that allows light in but will not shock the neighbors. Once it is tiled, it will be a gleaming bright place for a shower, no stepping up or down required.

  12. Those big clawfoot tubs are fantastic for bathing children in. They can practically practice their swimming. I have one in my own bathroom and never use it anymore but my husband likes a good soak in it on winter nights.
    That sink- yeah. It's charming in its own way but it is not very practical.
    Glad you had a good Christmas and you got what you wanted!

    1. It was a nice Christmas. Low key and easy. We had potato soup for lunch. I simmered the ham bone from Thanksgiving, and made a nice cream soup that simply stayed warm in the crock pot until we were ready to eat. No fuss.

  13. My new to me vehicle has a CD player in it, so I can listen to my CDs again. Makes me happy. I'm glad you guys had a good Christmas.
    And that sink, people (including me) like to have someplace to put things, counter space.

    1. LOL. Even if you don't leave stuff on the counter, it's important to have a place to set the stuff down while you're using it. I have a CD player in my car. I think Tim does too, but am not sure about that. I just miss having a radio and a CD player inside while I'm putzing around.

  14. There is no CD Player in this house, which you remember I discovered recently.

    1. I don't know that I did remember that. Maybe you subconsciously planted a seed in my mind. Anyway, I now have a CD player. You can borrow it if you like.

  15. I have a CD player in my car (a 2007 Elantra) so I can still play my CDs there. I would need more storage around the sink but that's me...

    1. I have one in my car, as well, a 2007 Lincoln. I listened to old time rock and roll as I drove. And then, I discovered Lord Huron on Pandora... But it's nice to have a choice, isn't it?

  16. My husband requested Christmas music as we waiting for the kids to all arrive, so I pulled out my CDs and my old "boom box". I've always tried to keep something around for playing them AND my vinyl albums.

    1. This is small enough that I can just bring it out to where ever I am working.

  17. As you know, I am a bet each way sort of girl - could you sink the sink into a counter that ran the required space? Anyhoo, happy Christmas.

    1. You know, that's an idea that Tim brought up, Jeanie. If we can come up with something aesthetically suited to the bathroom, we might just give that a try.

  18. That sink is a museum piece! But one truly needs counterspace in a bathroom, waterpiks, electric tooth brushes, etc, etc. I have a CD player in the garage in the Spokane house, and a lot of CDs with it, gotta have music when doing car stuff!

    1. I wouldn't feel so strongly about it had we not dealt with that problem for a few years in this house (pedestal sink). It was remedied, and we had the same discussion picking out the bathroom of the new house. Now we're trying to design a bathroom that will please prospective home buyers. The bathroom is original, from the 1920s. The toilet is pretty neat too.

  19. I lived with that kind of sink for the first twenty five years of my life. My daughter's old house still has one.

    1. Ironically, I was hoping to find a longer version of that sink, high backed, for my kitchen sink. Alas...I did not.

  20. Our current bathroom sink looks a lot like that one, though ours is more oval and on a pedestal. We have no counter, which is kind of a pain, but there's a little shelf next to the sink. Maybe that would work for you as well?

    1. It was set up with a little glass shelf above it. It would be better than nothing, I suppose, but I have visions of things crashing into the sink from that shelf.

  21. That sink would be a deal breaker for me. I love the single handle faucets, I love counter space. I do not like that sink. If that's a cast iron bath tub, that would be nice, they hold the heat better. We had a fiber glass soaking tub ONCE and by the time it was filled, the water was cold. Used it one time. My opinion is to lose the sink.

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only person who is adamant about counter space. It really is a must have for me.

  22. So glad to hear CD players are still available! I prefer to listen to my own collection instead of "streaming" and Farmbeau's been telling me it's no longer possible. Woo hoo!!


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