Monday, April 15, 2024


We spent the afternoon working down at the new house. Wiring. I am not an electrician, and so at this point, I'm back to my old familiar role of step-and-fetch. I leapfrog the ladders. It's pretty boring. 

Today, I gathered up the scrap pieces of wiring and thought...hmmmm...and so entertained myself by stripping the wire down to the copper and then using pliers to shape it. I began restringing a windchime that had fallen apart, cutting the old string and then toying around with the wire to figure out how the best way to hang it. I think I have a plan. 

Of course, about the time that a design all began to come together in my mind, Tim needed me to feed wire through. We did that for the rest of the afternoon. 

When we ran out of wire, we spent some time finalizing the light placement for the bathroom. 

We stopped in and visited with my sister and her husband for a while, and then we headed home. The trees are starting to leaf out. and daffodils are everywhere. That's a hopeful sign. 

We watched the craziest movie tonight. 'Serenity', with Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway. It had an intriguing start. We were both hooked. I watched that movie devolve until I had no idea just what was going on. Tim dozed off and woke up after it ended. "So what happened," he wanted to know. I had to answer honestly, "I don't know. I couldn't tell you."


  1. A constructive day at least

    1. You and Pirate have been in my heart today.

    2. Thankyou. Still here. Still fighting. Only just

    3. Oh no. I am sorry to read this. It sounds as if he's lost heart. Your own heart must be breaking.

  2. Some films are completely incomprehensible, and often shot in near-darkness with actors who have never learnt to project their voices.

    1. You know what I hate? When you need to turn the volume way up to hear what is being said and then a commercial comes on and blasts you right off the sofa. I know there is a way to work around that. I just don't know how to do it.

  3. I would dare not ask what happened if I dozed off. Stay awake and watch if you want to know would be the reply.
    Maybe you are almost superfluous at the building site now.

    1. For this stage, I could well be considered superfluous, but as Blondi Blathers commented, I save him time by holding this right here like that, and fetching whatever he needs. I think my most important role is keeping him organized. He has a horrible habit of setting tools down willy nilly and then he can't find them. I go along behind him gathering things up and setting them in a sensible way on the work table.

  4. I cannot sit still enough to watch films right through, so I don't. The new house is slowly coming together, what will you do when it is finished I wonder.

  5. Wow - what is the timeline on the house now.

    1. Oh there is so much more. We have to run the water lines. Then it will be inspected, and we will be able to start insulating and putting up the walls and ceilings. Flooring. Cabinets. Bathroom fixtures. Washer and dryer. Interior doors. Ceiling lights. Exhaust fans. Moving into the house is a 2025 thing because I have absolutely made up my mind that I'm not moving into an unfinished house. I've done that before, and what I know for a fact is that once you're moved in, projects never seem to actually get completed.

  6. I can find,myself flicking through Netflix and can not find a thing to watch.

    1. We finally got rid of netflix. It was just same-o, same-o. We find the majority of our movies on tubi, Roku, or Peacock. Not sure if you have them there.

  7. In our neck of the woods, we don't call it step-and-fetch but rather being the gopher. (Go for this, go for that.) But I rather like the step-and-fetch moniker.

  8. We've had lovely weather here so everyone has been venturing out. I noticed how overgrown my flower beds are with weeds and grass. So bad that I am thinking of mowing them all down and starting over. But I am enjoying the purple flowers in the ground cover there so hate to rip it out now... Decisions, decisions...

    1. Maybe thin it out? But I know what you mean. I have a tendency to let things go wild.

  9. I thought you would sell the copper you stripped from the wire. Don't let anybody steal it.

    1. Oh, it's all scrappable, but you can use a pair of pliers to curl and turn the wire. I've always wanted a hanging propagation station like Ms. Moon has, and the wire makes pretty plant supports. I'm thinking of incorporating brightly colored glass into it next. It's a great deal of fun. When this wire is gone, I might have to switch to a cheaper wire.

  10. The copper wire projects do sound nice...getting creative you are! Better than fetching. Yes, some shows/movies just go off to another world which isn't that interesting.

  11. I've never even heard of "Serenity." I wonder if it got released here in the UK? (OK, I just read about it on Wikipedia and was amused by the reviews. One reviewer called it "terrible and insane," and another called it "the bastard child of Body Heat and The Sixth Sense, minus the heat and the sense.")

  12. That movie sounds like one to avoid. I hope you post a photo of your finished windchill, sounds cool. As for not being around people, I find myself like that quite a lot. I am happiest when I stay home for several days in a row.

  13. I’m very familiar with watching some thing and having no idea about what’s going on!😂Sometimes it’s due to the culture/language, other times it’s just because I fall asleep!🤪Daffodils everywhere here too- it’s such a hopeful season, isn’t it?😍Xo, Rigmor

  14. Thank you for the warning about Serenity. My brain can't handle complex plots.


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