Sunday, April 28, 2024

Sunday Work.

 Such a strange, strange day today, weather-wise, anyhow. We headed out to finish up a few things at the new build. Tim was working on the basement stairs, and project that was going very quickly once he got it figured out in his mind how he wanted it done. I had to finish up the insulation work, something that I'd intended to do Saturday, but things changed. 

Tim needed to stop and get a drill chuck. He got the last one at Ace Hardware, so we headed there on our way out of town. They do not sell them anymore, but they had a tent set up to the side of the building. Tim said, "Crap. They had their yard sale yesterday. I forgot to come over and see what they had." The guy inside told us to go out and take a look. 

They had quite a bit of stuff there. 

We've got the flooring for the livingroom and kitchen and hall. Tim found a great deal on that some time back. I haven't seen it yet, so I'm trusting his judgement. He wants carpeting in the bedrooms, which I'm fine with. The pantry? Quite honestly, if we don't have enough flooring left from the livingroom, kitchen, hallway, I'm not adverse to just putting down a piece of linoleum. That room will have the hoosier cabinet set in place next to the window, (not my picture, shamelessly stolen because I am too lazy to get the camera out and my phone display is dying a slow and painful death)

but the rest of it will be steel shelving on wheels, something that I can pull out and sweep and mop behind, easy cleanup being my gameplan. 

The one room we don't have flooring for is the bathroom. We found 36 sq feet of ceramic tile. $10, baby!!! We were pleased as punch with that discovery. 

So off we went, happy, happy, happy. 

I mentioned that the sky was looking extremely dark ahead of us. Tim agreed. We began to see cars come towards us with their headlights on. "Boy," I said. "It looks like we are about to run into something." 

Did we ever! 

The skies opened up and just like that, we were into rain so heavy that it made us think maybe we should pull over, but there really wasn't anywhere to do that. We were on one of those blacktopped country highways, and we sure didn't want to pull into someone's driveway. I noticed that it looked like it was brighter ahead of us, and then...bam...we were out of the rain. It wasn't that the rain had stopped...they never got any. The road was completely dry. It was the strangest thing! I wish that we had thought to turn around and see what it was doing behind us. 

But...we each got our projects done this afternoon. When we were done, we hauled the tile in and stuck it into a bedroom closet where it would be out of the way and then locked up and headed back. 

Everything is starting to take shape now, and that's pretty exciting. I did not take pictures because I forgot to grab the camera. I'll do that tomorrow. It will be a short day because we have a funeral to go to in the morning. It's a strange thing to lose contemporaries, isn't it? I really find myself seeing life in a different way. 


  1. I have a hoosier and a hoosier base. I had hoped to design my kitchen around them, but it didn't work. I use one for craft supplies and the other as a garden bench on my back porch.

    1. It is in our kitchen now. It really doesn't work there either. It will be a good fit for the pantry.

  2. I'm thinking, what are you going to do when this build is finished?

    1. Oh Red. Sadly we have a rehab to finish and get on the market.

    2. At least you will be able to relax in your new home while you get on with the would be bored stiff without doing something!!

  3. I had to look up hoosier. I think the nearest equivalent for us would be a dresser.

    1. Yes, I wondered that too..nice to learn that

  4. Your new house is coming on in leaps and bounds. I am so looking forward to seeing a video tour when it is finished.

  5. I don't know where you both find the energy for such constant activity, please send some my way! Actually I'm not doing too badly at the moment - good days, bad days - thanks for your kind comments.

  6. Looking forward to photos!
    Yes, proper linoleum in the larder. People put carpet in too many places these days..even in kitchens!!

  7. We have had a suspicion for some time that one of those local storm clouds hangs permanently over our house.

  8. Did I already comment on how intriguing that cabinet is? I meant to and then found myself elsewhere, and then I saw that this window was still open, and now I don't know. 😊🤔

  9. Yes, you and Tim certainly are go-getters! You get so much done each day that I am amazed at your energy. I could use some of that.

  10. I love having a walk in pantry. I'm not sure how we survived without one before. I like your rolling shelf idea. Since the place where we got our kitchen cabinets from misordered two of the lowers, I put them into our pantry and built a middle unit to make them wall to wall. I also built overhead ones (without doors) so essentially, there is no space under or behind them to mop.

  11. I have a Hoosier almost exactly like that which I've had since around 1978. It's in my kitchen and in constant use.
    You and Tim are truly coming along with it all. I really am in awe of the both of you.
    And I've seen rain like that. You could literally stand in one place and be wet on one side, dry on the other.

  12. Me too, me too! Just like Ms. Moon. We've had a hoosier like that also. In fact, we had two of them. My daughter used it as a desk when she was growing up and we had/have another one we brought to Hawaii.
    I'm so excited for you building your home. I'm just in awe, actually.


I'm glad you're here!

Lights, Camera, Action.

Tim and I were looking forward to last night. We were supposed to be able to see the Aurora Borealis. We couldn't see it from town. Too ...