Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Isn't it Ironic?

 There is a young man in our area who considers himself quite t he businessman. I know that he has some mental issues and some anger control issues. He is prone to violent outbursts. 

He graduated, and moved on to owning an antique shop. He convinced his parents to let him have his college money, and invested in an old building. It wasn't a bad idea, and it could have been successful, but he's just a very disagreeable man. He got into disagreements with his neighbors. He broadcast his disagreements all over facebook (this sounds like I am making it up, but I'm not.) He says horrible disgusting things to people. When people get aggravated with him, he turns it right around to the fact that he is on the autism spectrum and that he is being picked on. 

His business failed because, really he's just not a nice person. 

He's gone on to buy other buildings. He has tenants. The buildings look pretty rundown from the outside. I do not know this personally, but he is reputed to be a slum lord who treats his tenants very badly. He's the boss, he's the owner, my way or the highway. There is no give and take, and when he gets mad at someone, there he goes, blasting away on public media. That part I have seen, and he is disgusting. 

Some time back, he bought an old fashioned ball room out in the middle of a very small town. It actually used to belong to my uncle. The building is very cool and dates back to 1870. It used to be a general store. He intended to use it as a special events venue, but it never got quite off the ground. It's pretty far out, but also...well...he's difficult. 

For example, kids have stood on the covered sidewalk in front of the building to wait for the school bus for years. I mean, really, generations. He got quite upset about that. It wasn't that there was damages of any sort. He made it clear that he was the owner, and he was making the rules now. No kids on his porch, which required them to stand on the edge of the street, since there was no sidewalks. When people tried to press the point, he put up big 'F U' signs in the windows. He put posts all over facebook laughing at the outrage his signs generated. People just thought this wasn't the sort of thing that they wanted their kids to see.  

That's the sort of thing that puts you on the outside of any community. He made a lot of enemies, and people tend to find other places to take their business. 

Someone drove a pick up truck straight through that covered walkway. Take note that walkway actually is the sidewalk for that stretch of street and has been since 1870. 

While I surely think the retaliation was wrong, I will say that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. You reap what you sow. 

On top of it all, there have been some questionable things, fires, insurance, things like that. 

After one of them, he tried to set up a collection to give to his tenants.


Most people gave directly to the tenants. 

Anyways, here's the latest thing. He's reportedly trying to turn the White Swan into a 'Gentleman's Club.' He has a facebook post up to recruit dancers. He wants them to call to set up auditions. He provides a number. You have to understand that the population of the entire township is only 1211 and this has plainly fired up nearly everyone in that small community. 

Late Edit: The guy in the back ground is a constable. 

He posted this on facebook. I'm not even going to bother showing you the ad. 

People are hugely upset about this. 

There is a petition. 

There are some who believe it is his idea of an April Fool's Prank. 
Others believe he is dead serious. 

I signed the petition. 

I guess we'll see. 

One of those people was venting to me. 
He's a terrible person. (He is.) 
He's rude. (He is.) 
He lies. (He does.)
He rips people off. (He does.) 
People are very suspicious of him. (They are.)

She went on at some length about his business practices and his ethics. 

I bit back my words, but here's the irony:
She is a Trumper. 
The very faults that she sees so clearly in this young man 
she cannot see in a man who is running to be president of the United States. 


  1. That would be funny if it wasn't so serious, in so many ways.

    1. What is in the post is the tip of the iceburg. This is a clearly disturbed man. Yet...see the little toady man in the back filling his gastank?

  2. As I was reading, I'm thinking "this is baby Trump's additional son." So sad that the building can't be restored well. Looks like it was a delight many years ago. Can they change the business zoning laws to limit the "gentleman's club" from being there? I'd think the obscene signage the jerk placed is surely breaking some law. Good luck. Linda in Kansas

    1. The building can be restored. The posts to the porch were knocked out. He was overdramatizing his losses. There was, after all, a hefty insurance to be collected. That building is the one that he purportedly wants to turn into a 'Gentleman's Club'. Or, April Fools. It's hard to tell. He does love to outrage, and he has done it.

    2. As to the signs? It has been 'decreed' that all the F Biden signs all over town are covered by free speech. The same people who rage about the 'liberals' and 'protecting our children against the obscene' are the very ones flying these flags in their front yard.

      Our fine local tRUMP received a huge payout to repair that building. Of course he has not. But he's posted new signs. One has a big smiley face and says, "Eat My Ass". The latest building to be fire damaged also allowed him to collect a hefty insurance payout. He has not fixed that building up either.

  3. Reading about such people makes me despair for the future generations to come.

    1. People of this ilk are not successful in the long run. In the end, they will fail, and fail spectacularly. Unfortunately, they can do a great deal of damage along the way.

  4. Oh, dear! What a sad state of affairs.

    1. It is. Unfortunately, it is a sad state of affairs on a national level as well.

  5. In just about every group of people in life, there is a Nathanial that goes by one name or another. I often tell my kids that one of life's challenges is learning to deal with the various types of people in every group you find yourself in throughout life. But I think for a Nathanial, I would just tell them to steer clear.

    1. You and your girls can make the choice to avoid people like that. Not everyone can. He preys on people without options. Things happen in this world, bad things. Just because they do not affect you or yours doesn't mean they are unimportant.

  6. Sadly this is what parts of our world is becoming, my way or I will cry loud and long about injustice.

    1. Social media has really cleared the way for this to happen.

  7. He is just as disgusting as trump, who needs his type. Gigi

    1. You take bad men, give them money and power, and it is a recipe for disaster.

  8. Replies
    1. I know. I just cannot believe that someone can be so outraged in one scenario and so oblivious in the next.

  9. Well, he sounded so sincere in the News video and then so disgusting in the Facebook post! Free speech is one thing, but I would report that post!

    1. Bingo, Marcia. I was hoping that someone would make that point. He can change his masks when it suits him. He can be very smooth, very sincere. But...he's not.

  10. If Trump were the local used-car salesman in much of small-town America then most people would avoid him like the plague - they certainly wouldn’t buy one of his cars! And yet so many support him in politics. He seems to be the epitome of the old saying of if you’re going to do something bad, do something that‘s so big and so egregious that most people don’t believe it.

    1. Isn't it crazy? If tRUMP lived in our town, he would be the most hated person here, just like this young man. Instead, he lives in Florida, and I live in a red county.

  11. Oh my god! Well, look at him this way- he gives the entire community an issue to rally around. A common target for disgust and outrage. It really is too bad that people can't allow themselves to see that he is so much like their maga hero.

    1. I wish that our country could rally around a common target for disgust and outrage.

  12. Unfortunately there are people who just don't get it. You've pointed out two of them.

    1. They are getting what they want, and that is all that is important to them.

  13. Before I got to the final paragraphs I was thinking to myself "Well, this dude sounds like a mini-Trumper" and lo & behold........

    1. Tim has always said the guy wants to be Warren County's Trump.

  14. Well, someone needs a course in community relations! (Maybe he should have gone to college after all?) I imagine the strip club idea is just him trying to get back at his opponents -- surely it will never get off the ground. And yes, it's astonishing that people will tolerate in Trump what they won't tolerate in mere mortals.

    1. I can't believe that it would, not really, but strange things happen in this town.

  15. Golly! How big was his college fund to keep on buying all of these buildings?

    1. Oh, it's very easy to do. Tim and I have done it. You pay off your mortgage. You use the house payment to buy another house. You fix it up the down stairs nicely. You rent it out. You use the money to fix the upstairs. You rent it out. You've got two rents coming in, and no house payment, so you buy another house. This place has three apartments. You begin fixing them up...repeat as you can.

      There are also very unethical ways to do it. Those tend to swing around and bite you.

  16. BAM! Your last few sentences really nailed it home!

    1. I honestly will never understand what is happening right now.

  17. One look at him and I would avoid. What a poseur.

    1. Psst, Tasker! Your abundant good sense is showing again. 😂

  18. I really feel that once the orange guy got away with saying that Access Hollywood statement with no pushback - there is no low to people's conversation surrounding lewdness. And in public places or in front of children - there are no lines. It makes me sick. This guy is a perfect example. He is above the law, he is above everyone and can say anything.
    I abhor those flags that say F anyone - anyone! Not appropriate - and school buses drive by them!
    We had a strip club move into an unzoned township in my rural county. I live in the "big city" - the county seat and we instantly made a zoning change regarding how far away from schools, residential areas, etc that an adult club could be located. And a zoning change on alcohol at a place with nudity. Almost all the townships decided on zoning too. Except two. And guess what happened there. Of course they live in trump world and want their free-dumb, so good for them.
    Facebook has made those people very brave, too. They are much braver to a virtual audience than a real in person one.

    1. I will never understand the mind of these people.

  19. I know a lady who has tanked her business by being unable or unwilling to crack a smile when spoken to by a customer. Sad but true.
    And people who don't know better than to air their dirty laundry on FB are just, to my mind, not too bright. Or they're very young and inexperienced.
    Autism has nothing to do with it. Though it can explain not knowing how to respond to people without creating discomfort or, worse, enmity.
    Trumpers are just plain wrongly informed. Or they really are racist, sexist, stupid, etc. It never fails to surprise me that people like that exist. You'd think I was 8 years old and still an innocent!

    1. I am not surprised by it Any more. I am just dumbfounded that other people can't see it. You are right when you say that autism is not this fellow's problem, but it is the excuse he uses when he is backed into a corner for his behavior. In this case, in the video, the man standing behind him is a constable. The phone number in the ad seeking dancers is the constable's number.

      In the end, I think it is all bs. To open up the White Swan as a gentleman's club would require him to repair the building from the truck damage. He will not do that. He collects the insurance money, but does fix his places up. It is his m.o.

  20. I can't help thinking that he is exactly like the developer who thought he could move in and take over the most adorable small country town near me some years ago. He had BIG plans and expected everyone and anyone to roll over and agree to them. The townsfolk and local council weren't impressed by his arrogant bluster, even less so when he became abusive towards them all over the local news media for daring to oppose him. Scroll forward a few years and I was delighted to read that he is in jail for fraudulent business dealings, his huge fancy house, helicopter and trophy wife long gone. It couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy!

    1. I would like to see this fellow crash and burn. He has really treated a lot of people very badly.


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Makes me Giggle

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