Thursday, April 25, 2024


Well, Mangey came back today. I let him in the house to feed him. I figure that I'll do that for a few days until he gets comfortable, and then we'll do the collar thing. And the treatment thing. I'm afraid that if I move too fast, I'll spook him and he'll make himself very scarce. 

He came in the house very politely, partook of a substantial dinner with a dose of medication, had a nervous looky-lou around. It surprises me that he's so nervous. He was always sneaking in last summer. If I came in the house with a multiple bags and left the door ajar, he would slip in. I'd find him sprawled in the livingroom, or across my bed having himself a little snooze. He seemed quite comfortable then, so I imagine that he just needs to reacclimate. 

I did not go to the new build today. I needed to be back at a specific time to begin a medical regimen, and Tim did not want to be pinned down to a deadline. He's working on his project. So. I stayed behind. Got caught up on all the housework and laundry, followed my afternoon medical schedule, folded laundry AND put it away. All on the same day, for those of you keeping track. Okay. I was impressed.

My daughter in law messaged me today and asked if we would mind coming early to Ruby's baptism in June. My son will be on a business trip and will not be arriving home until late. She has to work a 12 hour shift, so she has to leave the house directly after supper. Sure thing! She always acts as if we've done her a great favor, which makes me laugh, because what kind of a grandma would say no to an opportunity like that?

It's not really babysitting anymore, but William will be walking over after school tomorrow to spend the night. It's always nice to hang out with the big boy. It just amazes me how quickly he has shot up in height this year. It amazes me to think that he is a teenager. It amazes me to think that next year is his last year of middle school. 

Truly, these kids of my kids amaze me and I will gladly grab for every amazing moment I can get with them. 


  1. Oh yes, dear grandmother in kind! Keep on giving those grandkids all the loving you can! They will remember it I'm sure, as well as yourself. On Mangie the cat who should have a happier name me-thinks, I do hope he settles in to living more time around you, who appreciate him...and will nurse him to good health! Yay putting clean clothes away (just don't tell mine to expect the same!)

  2. I'm happy that Mangey is going to be moving in!

  3. Glad Mangey considers your place the safe and secure Kitty Rehab Hospital! Linda in Kansas

  4. Lucky you getting to do grandma stuff ❤️

    Glad Mangey is back. Hope all goes well.

  5. Glad to hear that Mangey's back.

  6. How lovely to be able to spend good times with your grandchildren. Enjoy them!

  7. I'm glad that William is doing well, it gives me hope. Also glad that Mangey has someone watching over him.
    I love "The Cat Came Back". I looked it up. I didn't realize it was such an old song.

  8. The kitties sure win the lottery when they find you! Glad Mangey showed up, and once he's feeling better, he will be less leery. I'd love to be able to see my son more! We have just him, and he lives about 5 hours away. He hasn't lived at home since he left for college, 14 years ago, Air Force and all that. We have managed to visit him every where he was stationed. Now he's done with the AF, bought his first home, and hopefully one day, will give us grandchildren! I would love to be a grandma!

  9. I just got back from seeing my grandsons off to school. Because of a work schedule conflict for my son and DIL, I'm going on MWF mornings at 7 am and waiting with them until the bus comes at 7:45. It's a great way to start the day and they are always so happy to see me! It's only for several weeks but I am sure enjoying it.

  10. Yesterday when I went to pick up August and Levon from school, August reached for my hand when he came out and found me and my heart just grew so big. I know these days are limited. I leaned over to kiss the top of his head and realized that before long, I will not have to lean over at all and then, before I know it, I won't be able to kiss the top of his head!

  11. I'm glad Mangey is back. It's amazing how quickly kids grow, isn't it? It's a cliche, but I really understand it now that I work in a school and see it happening right in front of me.

  12. Well not taking things for granted and being super polite about requesting your assistance is showing appreciation.

  13. How very sweet that you are wanted as a grandmother! And they are so lucky to have you, while you’re young and able 🥰It must be awesome to see William grow.. it goes so fast! I’m afraid I won’t see any grandchildren before I’m too old to be of much use to them.. reminiscing about my two kids’ childhood is nice though😊 Best wished for the Mangey plan- he’s very lucky too! Xo, Rigmor

  14. Good for Mangey. Perhaps in his heart of hearts he knows where the good food is.

  15. Mangey is lucky to have you understanding and caring for him. William is also lucky to have a wonderful grandma like you. Grandchildren do seem to be growing faster and faster.

  16. How much fun to see that film again! We saw it when we were in Toronto over 20 years ago - & I still remember the song! I had a T-shirt with the cat "scratching" the back of it...I wonder when I got rid of that? Thank you for bringing back memories. The other film we saw at the same time was this one


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