Thursday, May 11, 2023

Half grown.

We've got the house locked up tight as a drum tonight. There is a suspected murderer come down from New York State. The scene of the murder was about 25 minutes from here. The school in Youngsville was on lockdown, a field trip cut short and the kids returned to the school and had a regular school day, except that no one was permitted to leave or enter the building.

It was business as usual at the schools in Warren, though, which was puzzling. His truck was located at a park on the west end of town. When we heard the news, Tim said, "Welp, I better lock up the vehicles and the garage. 

Our the door, he went. 

William stood in the middle of the livingroom. "Wait...we have a murderer running around???" 

"A suspected one. And it is nothing to get your shorts in a twist about..." but he was out the door, quick as a wink, locking up the cars and truck and the garage with grandpa. When they returned to the house, William set the deadbolts on the door. He said in a very comforting voice, "Don't worry, Grandma, me and grandpa have everything all locked up." 

He's 12, and just sometimes it surprises me how grown up he can act. 

Of course, there are always the other times when he's grumpy because his video game isn't going the way he wants. 

A tween-ager. 


  1. Gosh, I hope that suspect is soon rounded up. What a worry to have him kicking about in the vicinity though . . .

    1. It will be interesting to see how this works out. I think he's downriver by now, but have not heard any real confirmation on that.

  2. What a sad world we live in when a 12-year-old has to worry about keeping his grandma safe from the bad guys.

    1. I don't think he was actually worried about it. Taken aback, but I think that he liked the idea that his grandpa was quietly locking up and taking basic steps to insure safety. He wanted to be a part of that.

  3. I hope everybody remains safe.

    1. Oh, we will. We'll take basic precautions, but really, I don't see any reason for real concern.

  4. Hope the suspect is caught soon and without harm to law enforcement or members of the public. It's good for William to be aware of the measures that must be taken to keep grandma, grandpa, himself & Houdini safe & sound when an unusual danger rears its ugly head.
    Be well!

    1. William is not know for his fearlessness. He's actually kind of the other way. That's just his nature. It surprised me that he boldly headed right out the door with his grandpa instead of staying in the livingroom and nervously asking questions.

  5. What a different lesson for our times! Linda in Kansas

    1. It is always kind of shocking to have it happen in your own back yard, so to speak.

  6. How unsettling for everyone. It will be difficult to carry on with life as normal until the wanted person is caught, I bet.

    1. Actually not to concerned about it. He'd be crazy to stick around.

  7. In a world where anyone can be miles away within a few hours it seems almost pointless to worry about such things, though of course we all do. As for being grumpy when video games don't go your way, you should see the way people behave at our football matches. Presumably most of them are sensible people with jobs and families for the rest of the week.

    1. To be honest, I don't expect he's around here at all. His truck was found at a city park that has a boat launch. I feel as if he probably just stole a kayak, threw in and floated downstream. In a town of roughly 9,000 people, it's big news and the speculation is crazy, but I think it's perfectly safe. He's not here. I'd bet money on it.

  8. I still get grumpy about minor things -- and I'm 56!

    That's a little too much excitement, having a murder suspect running around. I guess at any given time, though, there are people wanted for murder out there. It's just in this case there was an announcement so you all knew about it.

    1. Yes. I think that you are right about that. It's what we know that has people running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Really, it's what we don't know that should scare the crapola out of us.

  9. Yes. Tween-agers. They can be so lovely and so mature and yet, they are still children. Very much so. Part of the process of growing up for all of us.

    1. Sometimes people forget that, don't they?

  10. I worked at a junior high school and felt bad for some of the boys, too old for toys and too young for girls and cars.

    1. Well, he has plenty of toys, and he spends a lot of time drawing, and doing stop action animation.

  11. You and Tim have made such a huge impact on William's life. And him on yours! It's so nice to hear how you all get along and handle life's ups and downs...

    1. It really was a different 'response' to him. Surprising to see.

  12. Good for William! He's looking to his grandpa to teach him how to be a man and is trying to take on a little responsibility for his family. I'd say that's a good thing, and to be encouraged. :)

  13. I remember when a "mobile meth lab" wrecked into a tree on the county road, right at the end of our driveway. The driver had fled on foot. I walked up to see what was going on and the Sheriff basically dismissed me (I never voted for him again) without telling me anything. I was home alone with two small children and had I known a meth head was running loose, might have locked my doors.

    I hope they've rounded up the guy by now.

    1. As far as I am aware, he still is on the loose. That is a horrifying story there. You're right. He could have said something to the effect of ' we have someone who might be a danger. I would advise you to keep your doors locked until we have a better idea of what is going on.' You would have protected yourself and he would have kept all his "top secret" work private

  14. I grew up on a farm where we never locked anything up. But my wife's profession and the way things have de-evolved when it comes to taking out frustrations, we generally keep our doors locked. We mostly go in and out through the garage which has automatic doors anyway. But that bit me two days ago when the keypad wouldn't work due to a dead battery. Fortunately a neighbor up the street had one so I could get back inside.

  15. What I would be most concerned about is people thinking they can score drugs. It is such a big deal here.

  16. I expect William looked to his grandpa for guidance- he must have felt so mature and confident! So sweet.. he’s almost a teenager, but still a child- it’s a hard transition he’s going through now! Hope that criminal is far away from you now, and better yet locked up by now! Have a good weekend😊Ricki

  17. Well that certainly makes for an interesting evening. Hope the suspected murderer has been apprehended and everything is back to normal.

    1. Everything is back to normal but they don't have their man.


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