Thursday, January 6, 2022

Out Loud

 Steve  used a word: 'balance'. 

That was the word that I needed to consider. My biggest issue was with work is the fact that if they need you, they mandate the overtime. There are people who will 'die in their traces', so to speak. Looking back, I think that I probably was one of them for years. I had to be. 

But now, I am past that, and I am looking forward to making my own plans, doing my own thing. If I could simply say, "I'll work 40 hours a week, and no more for the period of the extension", I'd be inclined to sign on. Unfortunately, that is not the way of it. If they need  you, you will work the overtime, whether it be 10 hour days, or working Saturday. It's their call.

If you feel that it is unreasonable, the response is anger. The goal is to shut you down and shut you up. You will be called divisive and ridiculed for the idea that you might speak for anyone but your own radical self. 

But Steve said that word, 'balance' and in the end, if I stay on, they determine the balance, and the only thing that will matter is company needs. 

It was a sleepless night. I tossed and turned until 11. I was wide awake at 3 AM.

What to do, what to do?

I thought about balance, I thought about what I want. I thought about what everyone else expects of me. I thought about our actual needs. What do we need? Will quitting affect our long term plans? The more I thought about it, the clearer it became. 

When Tim got up this morning, I was packing his lunch. I said it carefully, out loud for the first time. "I don't want to take the extension." 

The words felt good in my mouth. 


  1. I think you made the right decision.
    I was so very unhappy in my job towards the end that I decided to retire early on a reduced pension. My happiness counted far more than my bank balance and I haven't regretted it.

  2. Good for you, Debby! I'm very glad you've come to this decision.

  3. Serious thought in a situation like that usually brings an answer. Good for you my dear.

  4. This is the right decision in my opinion and I am so glad I checked my feed reader before bedtime to see this post. :)

    Good for you. The words look good written down as well!

  5. You can't hear me but I'm clapping. I'm so happy for you. I don't know who you work for but that is one broken company and yes, there is no balance at that workplace.

    A few years ago, Katie broke her arm, for the second time. We didn't know it was broken. I got a call at work that a caregiver was going to take her to emergency because she had fallen. I didn't leave work and accompany them to the hospital because I didn't want to leave my coworkers short staffed. The doctor xrayed Katie's arm and sent her home, nothing even for pain because what? Do disabled people feel less pain with broken bones? I was so angry and I swore I would never let work take precedence over family again. And I haven't.

    I work for a health care organization and I know that they couldn't care less about me as a human being. My immediate manager does, she's wonderful, but to anybody abover her, I am a nurse with a pulse and that's it. I actually stopped my manager in the hall yesterday and told her how much I appreciate all that she has done for me over the past few months with Jack. She has fully supported me and that means a lot.

    Happy retirement Debby.

  6. You have made the right decision! Congratulations! Back to counting down the days! Hooray!

  7. I've never been one to die in my traces. More like try them for a few minutes, smile and tell them how nice it was and then hand their traces back and go on my way.

    So I'm certain that I would have found a way to make the same decision you came too.

  8. YAY!!! I had fingers crossed that this would be your decision. Carry on with your good ol' self, be glad in that decision! Life is too short to be encumbered by "extension". YAY!!!

  9. Well done..sending a big hug!! ((0))

  10. I think I have made my feelings clear, eh? Life is too short to go through that at a certain age and at a certain level of economic wellbeing. If you're poor and desperate, that's different, and ya do what ya gotta do.

  11. Good for you. It sounds like you definitely did the right thing. (And obviously we all agree!)

  12. Good for you! I hoped you would come this decision

  13. I don't think you will regret your decision. Good news. x

  14. It sounds like you've made the right decision. The outfit you're working for is afraid of unionization. They are doing things to promote organizers to work to organize.

  15. The company provided a living for me for a total of 18 years or so. There were good things about it. The attendance policy and the mandatory overtime thing has always been tough. My last supervisor was a liar which was a misery. I am not going to cuss anyone on the way out of the door but it felt good to tell my decision to my supervisor. I was a little surprised that she was surprised. She asked why. I told her why. She said, "I respect your decision." I smiled sweetly under my mask and knew that it would not have mattered if she didn't.

  16. I can't possibly know whether you took the correct decision or not. I don't know enough about you or your history. What I do know is that when one takes a decision right or wrong the thing to do is make the best of that decision and never look back and say "What if...". Good luck. I hope all goes well for you.

  17. Congrats! HOORAY! More sanity is coming your way! Tell us when the party is! All your bloggie friends will be there!
    (It's okay to stick your tongue out when wearing a mask: that feels good too! Kinda like flipping the bird at someone with mittens on.)
    You're gonna love living your life for you and your's! When my brother retired, his blood pressure numbers dropped to a safer range quickly. I'm trying to get through my last 2 years.....frequently sticking my tongue out behind my nursing mask, and not becoming a statistic.) Linda in Kansas

  18. Congrats on your decision, Debby. Based on what you have shared in the past, it seems to be best one for you and your family.

  19. Good for you! Your mental, emotional and physical well-being is worth more than any amount of money.

  20. I doubt you will regret saying no more. You may regret saying just a couple of months more.

  21. Oh Graham. For me, the hard part is always making the decision. It was the right decision for me.

  22. Good for you….your granddaughter will be thrilled with your company…..and you’ll find that shower curtain in no time at all 😊

  23. Yay, Debby! I'm so happy for you. Retirement is a lovely thing. As a teacher... although I worked long hours after the children went home, it was because I wanted to, not because I was forced to.


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