Saturday, October 15, 2022


 We had a plan for this morning, but were surprised to wake up and discover that it was raining. So much for hooking Tim's beloved S-10 Baja up and hauling it from one garage to another. (Don't ask me why it is special. Don't ask me why things need to be moved eleventy-seven times before he's satisfied. I have no answers to give you.)

Tim was disappointed. Me? Not so much. 

My solution was much more pleasant. I suggested that we pick up a bushel of apples and a bushel of pie pumpkins from the Amish. It would be a good day to spend in the kitchen. 

Tim was disappointed. Me? Not so much. 

It stopped raining. 

I was disappointed. Tim? Not so much. 

So he and William headed off to the garage with the car dolly. I headed off to visit the produce stand. Tim did not want a bushel of apples. He thought it was too much so I bought a peck of cortlands and a bushel of pie pumpkins. I got a large cabbage because it was there. $18.50 was a good price for my haul.

I spent the day paring apples and slicing them up as my split pumpkins roasted, 3 at a time. By the time that the apples were on the stove, I could begin skinning my pumpkins and chopping them up. The apples are done, the pumpkins cooking. Tim sampled the apples and decided that he was wrong after all. We need to go back and get a bushel of apples on Monday "because they are better than any apple you can get in the store."

Strangely enough, most of the pumpkin puree winds up not as pie filling, but as soup. I can't really give you measurements because it is all done by eyeball, but I use an equal amount of puree and chicken broth. I run a medium onion and some kielbasa through the food processer, add it to the pumpkin mixture and then let it simmer in a crock pot for a couple hours. I thin it with cream, and serve it with a nice toasted bread. It is one of Tim's favorite meals. 

Stir fry for supper tonight, chicken thighs and vegetables in crock pot for tomorrow night's supper: chicken and dumplings. 

William has been picked up and is on his way to a big night out, a haunted hayride. He's been very excited about this adventure. He's also very excited about our second annual Halloween dinner. He was busy  planning our meal. Monster wraps and kitty litter cake for dessert. He has some nice appetizers picked out. 

Tomorrow we are getting up early and heading north. We're going to Letchworth Park up in New York State to do a hike or two. I'll take some pictures. 

I hope everyone is having a nice weekend. It has been a great one here. 


  1. Pumpkin soup is delicious. I often make mine with onions, ginger, garlic, curry powder and coconut milk.

    1. I like ginger. Tim does not. I love curry. Tim does not. Your soup sounds interesting to me though.

      The kielbasa has a lot of garlic and spices in it, so it flavors the pumpkin nicely.

  2. A quiet weekend here, Jack started playing indoor soccer this morning. More of a dog and pony show but it's early days.

    I looked at that kitty litter cake and it truly does look like kitty litter.

    1. Oh, you can bet that's exactly why William picked it. He's terribly excited about this. He hasn't narrowed down his appetizers yet. There are a lot of things to choose from.

  3. Good stuff always takes a lot of work. Interesting soup with pumpkins.

  4. Goodness me. I haven't heard bushel and peck used since my school days.

  5. That pumpkin soup sounds yummy. I have made a pumpkin chili that is very good. Anything pumpkin is fine with me as I love it!

    1. Now I'm going to have to go read about pumpkin chili!

  6. I tried making pumpkin soup once, but I don’t really love the taste of pumpkin. But the plan is to make sweet potato soup for family dinner tomorrow.

    1. Oh it just marries so well with other flavors. I love sweet potatoes too.

  7. Isn't it funny how spouses can have such different ideas of the perfect day?! I deal with that too! LOL

    The pumpkin soup sounds yummy. It's funny that you said "eleventy-seven." I usually say "forty eleven," which means basically the same thing.

    1. Not every one understands advanced math, Steve. Or spouses.

  8. I've canned two and a half bushels of apples this year. I guess if I'm going to preserve some, I just do it in a big way so I don't have to mess with it for awhile. I love being able to just dump a jar in a crust and an hour later have a warm apple pie, anytime of the year.

    I've also canned three large hubbard squashes which I think make the best pumpkin pies and have a fourth that I'm going to tackle today while it is so cold outside. They I think I will call it good on preserving hubbard squash. Having 30 pumpkin pie fillings ready to go is enough to get us by for a few years most likely.


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The Walk

 When people comment on my relationship with William, it really brings a bit of a lump to my throat.  Our relationship has changed.  Things ...