Thursday, October 27, 2022

We Are Here to Fart Around


Painting by Maggie Vandewalle

Dancing together in life's garden... 

Kurt Vonnegut tells his wife he's going out to buy an envelope: 

“Oh, she says, well, you're not a poor man. You know, why don't you go online and buy a hundred envelopes and put them in the closet? 

And so I pretend not to hear her. I go out to get an envelope because I'm going to have a hell of a good time in the process of buying one envelope. And I meet a lot of people. And I see some great looking babies. And a fire engine goes by. And I give them the thumbs up. And I'll ask a woman what kind of dog that is. 
And, and I don't know...

The moral of the story is - we're here on Earth to fart around. Of course, the computers will do us out of that. What the computer people don't realize, or they don't care, is we're dancing animals. You know, we love to move around. It's like we're not supposed to dance at all anymore." Let's all get up and move around a bit right now... or at least dance.


  1. OK. Why not? I shall do so tomorrow. Time's a wasting.

    1. We expect to see a hula dance from Kay! Who's got a ukelele?

  2. I’ve got oodles of envelopes in the cupboard but they’re just not quite right. Think I’m going to have to go shopping for just the right one.

  3. I am very good at farting around. You could say an expert.

    1. You have now been appointed Professer of Pootering!

  4. I can fulfill my destiny in the one area, but I can’t really dance anymore.

  5. I love dancing to music in the kitchen and hardly buy envelopes anymore as everything can be written on the internet.

    1. I love that vision of you dancing in your kitchen, Thelma!

  6. I do everything using the computer or phone, but I still get out and about. I watch young people and while they may seem focused on their phones even in company, they still interact verbally. Tech can be isolating but not necessarily. And how long have I had a wonderful communication with you, who has probably educated me more about family life in the US than anyone.

    1. Andrew! What a very nice thing to say. In turn, you have educated me as well! Everyone here has a perspective worth sharing, don't they?

  7. I'm addicted to surfing on the Internet. How did we ever manage before it was invented?

    1. I find that when the television is on in the evening, I am all over the internet. We're always questioning something.

  8. I am glad to hear this, Debby! I sometimes feel guilty when I waste time (which I can do A LOT!). I am so happy to know that I am supposed to fart around! Love this post! :)

    1. It sounds like a fine skill set to have this 'farting around' stuff. For the first time, it really struck me that practicality and efficiency isn't always a virtue.

  9. ...Vonnegut quotes his son Mark and gives an answer to what he believes is the meaning of life: "We are here to help each other get through this thing, whatever it is."

    Seems like a good enough meaning for life. I have never read Kurt Vonnegut but I of course looked him up in wikipedia and have put "Slaughterhouse-five" on hold at the library.

    As for farting around, I think it is underrated.

    1. It is a wonderful way to release pent up stress, isn't it? ;)

  10. "Dance , dance where ever you may be"

  11. I am on an RDO - I am willing. Well, until 2, then I have a hair appointment.

  12. Oh, I always feel like dancing after a good hair cut.

  13. Love the painting and the message. I was just learning about the Italian way, Dolce Far Niente... the sweetness of doing nothing.

    1. A new phrasing to me, but something I could surely get behind.

  14. I am farting along with you. Life is better for a bit of farting around. There needs to be more of it.

    1. I just love that a personal indulgence has been granted gravitas by no less than Kurt Vonnegut.

  15. That's a great quote, and so true!

    Am I the only one who initially thought that illustration was a flattened rabbit on the road?! LOL

    1. Steve, for pete's sake! I didn't see it that way at all until you commented. Now I can't UNSEE it! Thanks a lot.

  16. We are like dinosaurs by not having an expensive mini Italian style coffee maker at home, or even a machine that uses pods (awful coffee) but if we want coffee we go out for it to the many places nearby, where we can have some social interaction and see what is happening in the world.

    1. You know, I have a little Capresso. It is a simple little thing, and it makes perfectly fine coffee for me. My son has one of the fancy Italian things and I need a block of instructions every time I go there. I am happy with my Luddite brewer. It has an on-off switch, and to froth the milk, you just push the lever to steam and release the pressure.

      It just seems like people who NEED their caffeine in the morning also need it to be simple.

      Your plan sounds so simple except for one tiny detail. It requires you to shower and be presentable without the benefit of caffeine to go out in public. It almost qualifies as aberrant behavior to my foggy morning mind. Coffee first, then we prepare for the day.


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