Wednesday, May 11, 2022

This and That

 Well, we've had William for a couple days now. We'll pick him up from school one more day and then he'll be picked up and taken home tonight.

We got the bathtub installed. What a struggle that was! It was a tight fit, and it actually got stuck a couple times. It is a steel tub and so it didn't have any flex to it at all. We both are so very glad we didn't try to stuff that 350 pound cast iron one in there. Either the tub would have killed us, or we would have killed each other. Frustrations were high. 

Tim is a great one for just muscling something into a place until he gets it into that place. Which is all well and good, but when you are muscling something in, getting it stuck and then muscling it back out again (x2) it makes me grumpy. "Tim, stop, stop. Let's just think about this a little first." It was a combination of brawn and brain that got that tub where it belonged. 

Jim, the new tenant, stopped by with a tablet to take some measurements for curtains and furniture. I was relieved to see that he fits through the door frames to the bedrooms. It was also good that he arrived within minutes after the tub was set. Any earlier, and he would have heard two people really snapping at each other. 

When we stopped for lunch, I saw an unexpected message from a familiar face with an unfamiliar name. She is a beautiful girl, hard worker, has a good job. She and her husband rented from us for a while after they got out of the military. They had one son and a baby on the way. We couldn't help but be happy for them when they got their own place. 

Anyway, she wanted to know if we had any rentals. We don't. I asked, a little cautiously, how she'd been doing. "Not good," she said. She had just found out that her husband of 13+ years was having an affair. I was surprised by that. I mean, she is really a beautiful girl, and she is so very nice. He's got three beautiful kids. Why on earth would a man just toss that all up to the four winds? 

(And yes...I understand that there are plenty of women who are no different.)

Yesterday, I had a sore throat, and I began to get a little uneasy about it. Last night, I woke up with a headache and chills. I am supposed to head east tomorrow morning for time with my son and his family. Today, Tim took William to school and stopped to pick up a covid test. 

While I waited, I messaged my daughter in law that I seemed to have picked up a cold, and that out an abundance of caution, I was taking a covid test. We all held our collective breath. It was negative. I told them my symptoms and they decided that the scheduled visit was still a 'go'. 


Tim's been talking about a little motorcycle he's found for William, a little 50cc for him to putter around the retirement property on. He had a honda atv that he was going to swap for it. (We don't need two of them). I tend to stay out of the world of Tim and his wheeling and dealing, but I was being regularly updated. 

Anyway, I was on the computer when a question came in from the man who owned the dirt bike. He had a question about the ATV. I told him that Tim had taken our grandson out for ice cream and provided his cell number. A reply came in: "Do you know if he is buying this bike for a kid?" I answered that he was buying it for an 11 year old boy. He told me that it was a 125cc motorcycle with a clutch that went 60 mph and it was not a kid's machine. I took the liberty of calling the deal off on the spot. 

Tim and William came in with their ice cream and one of them got jerked aside for a very stern talking to. (Hint: it was the tall kid.)  

Anyways, I'm all packed and ready to leave tomorrow. However, before I can do that, I've got another day of work in front of me. 


  1. Have a great trip and hope you feel better soon.

    1. Oh, I don't feel horrible. I feel like I have a mild cold. It is not something I'd even give a second thought to if Brittani wasn't pregnant, and covid was not a concern.

  2. Your trip will be a nice break from all your heavy work! Hope you have safe travels! Feel better too!

    1. It will be a very nice break, and I am looking forward to it. I think that an early night will set me right.

  3. Tim is a character. Second childhood for him perhaps with the motorbike?

    1. I am telling you, I'm not sure that he can be left on his own for 5 days. He claims that the name of the bike indicated that it was a 50cc kids bike. He claims that he didn't realize that the motors had been swapped out. I looked at the add and saw "fast, fun little ride" and that would have tipped me off. One of two things: either he made a mistake, or he wanted a bike of his own.

  4. Glad the trip is not off. Enjoy and take a rest from hard work.

    1. I'm glad too. I would have went with whatever they felt was best, but I would have been awfully disappointed.

  5. Happy that the trip is still a go! I leave for NY on Tuesday and am laying low, hoping I don't pick up anything nasty. I got stressed even reading about that tub. I am NOT good with that sort of endeavor.

    1. Turns out, I'm not so great with it either!

  6. I see that you can take a firm stand. 😀

    1. AC, that made me laugh out loud. I am a very outspoken person. Tim is quieter. I try to be very mindful of the fact that a strong personality can completely crush a quieter one. I pick my battles. I think he doesn't need a dirt bike. He has his ATVs. And his tractors. And his trucks. He talked about a motorcycle. He can do what he wants, but he is not putting an 11 year old on a motorcycle like that. So yeah. He got a snootful of feedback on that.

  7. I hope you have a wonderful trip! -Kelly

  8. Have a great time with your sweet granddaughter, and I hope you feel better soon! Xo Ricki

  9. Some sort of cold has been going around here that starts with a sore throat and 10 days of congestion. Hopefully that isn’t what you have. Have a great trip!

  10. I hope it is not what I have...but I expect to have a great time!

  11. It seems that there always has to be some shoving on renovation projects.

    1. Luckily, it has never come down to shoving each other. :D

  12. The flu has been going around as well as covid. Oh joy.
    I've managed to avoid both so far. I hope you're feeling better soon and have a wonderful trip.
    My husband and I don't work together all that well. I can't imagine us installing a tub.

  13. Keep right on avoiding them, Pixie. Interesting factoid: sometimes WE don't work together all that well...

  14. Good for you, calling off the motorcycle deal. That definitely sounds like it would have been a bad idea! As for the bathtub, I think it's a sign of a healthy relationship when you can cooperate on a stressful project like that, snap at each other and then bounce back. Too bad about your former tenant. As my grandmother would have said, "People have a time."

  15. Enjoy your trip, Debby, and I hope you are feeling better. I think you made the right call on the motorcycle deal. Safe travels.

  16. Got your blog caught up and computer fixed.

  17. Have a most wonderful weekend!


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