Sunday, May 29, 2022

The Biggest Butthead Award...

 ...goes to me. 

You have to understand how bad this year has been for me. I planted using 'Jiffy' pods for the first time. You know those peat things that expand when they are in water, you plant your seeds and then you just put the whole thing in the ground. I got an unopened package of them at a yard sale for a buck (for 36 of them) and thought it was a great deal. I started my seeds and less than half of them germinated. The ones that did germinate, did poorly, most of them dying while I was in England.  By the time that I figured that out, well, it was kind of late to start new plants. 

My daughter-in-law had a batch of plants, tomatoes, 3 different pepper varieties. I was grateful to take her extras. My sister said, "I've got 26 extra bell peppers. How many do you want?" Between my sister and my daughter-in-law, my garden was saved. 

I thought so, until today. 

As reported, we got the garden tilled. We were due for two days of rain, and decided to come back today, and give the garden one more till, and then plant everything. I put the tomato and pepper plants in my greenhouse. I was hauling some equipment back into the garage as we were getting ready to leave. I was also carrying a box that held my seeds and my onion sets and my seed potatoes. I set that box on a table and we closed up the garage. 

Today, I was horrified to see that a chipmunk or a mouse got into the garage tipped over the box and ate every one of my seeds. Every one of the onion sets. I had some seeds that I'd saved in pill bottles so I still had my pumpkin, squashes and water melon seeds. I still had my well nibbled seed potatoes. 

I should have known better and I've been kicking myself all day. Hopefully it is not to late to replace them. 


  1. That's quit a run of bad luck. You've had enough and it's time for things to turn around.

  2. Oh nooooo.... I'm so sorry... I feel so awful for you. I can imagine the frustration!

    1. Mostly aggravated at myself. It just did not even occur to me, and it should have.

  3. It's not so bad when I read about it from afar. In fact . . . 😎

    1. Don't you dare snicker...NOT ONE SNICKER!

  4. You are really having a challenging time. Hope you manage to salvage this latest disaster, too.

    1. Well, after we finished working on the house, we ate a quick supper and headed to check on the garden. My tomatoes and peppers are looking pretty good, much to my relief. But...tomorrow we're supposed to be getting a storm. With hail.

      Honest to pete.

  5. So annoying, if only life ever went to plan.

  6. I'm feeling your pain from all the way over here. I think I would have cried.
    Hope you can save something from the chaos

  7. Is it too late to start again?

    1. The plants were in the greenhouse a fine. I will have to buy more seeds.

  8. If you see a very fat chipmunk or mouse, you will know who to blame!

  9. It looks like local fruit and vegetable retailers will do better in your area this year. Ah well. To use the silly phrase, it is what it is.

  10. Honestly, I'm hopeless at gardening - I'd have planted all the right seeds at the wrong time - or the other way round. Best I can do is to stick some plants in and hope. And yet I like my garden - I just need someone else to do it for me.
    We have foxes and badgers here too - they seem to get into everything and are determined to root up anything that smells interesting. Yesterday they'd bene in the food bin and strewn the garden with rotting waste - how they overcame the lids I don't know...
    Must dash - you've reminded me to water the flower beds.

  11. Squirrel stew would be on my menu.

  12. We need a herd of feral cats there instead of in town.

  13. That is called th 'PLEASURE' of gardening.

    1. Oh, the joy, the joy. I danced, I'm telling you. Oh how I danced!

  14. Oh, argh! RODENTS! They really are a curse, although at least chipmunks are cute.

    1. Rotten little seed eaters. It will be a while before I see them as 'cute'.

  15. Oh NOOOO! Maybe the furry friends saved you a step. If you'd planted your crops, it sounds like they would have dug them up and eaten them that way. I've spent 3 years on a tiny garden patch trying to figure out what's wrong; it's just a weird spot. I used to throw anything in the ground and it would grow. Even sending soil samples and "fixing" some of the dirt a bit more didn't help. Bulbs disappear without any evidence of digging by critters. Gonna plant rocks next. Linda in Kansas

    1. Well, the good news is that I was able to replace most of it. Ever the optimist, I planted it today.

  16. I am so sorry and I'm trying really hard not to smile. My husband has had MULTIPLE incidents with mice and tomato seedlings over the years.

    I finally planted my moonflowers today - something I should have done a month ago. My basil is not thriving like it usually does and I never got around to putting in any tomatoes or squash. *sigh* -Kelly

    1. Well, you guys have been getting some ridiculous weather there.

  17. Ouch! Those chipmunks just can’t be beat… but I’m trying to outsmart them! I drape some leaves from garlic/scallions/onion grass on or under my tomato plants- they hate onion, and so far it’s been working! Hope the rest of your gardening season goes a lot smoother🙏 -Ricki

    1. I can only hope to get points for persistance.

    2. Damn vermin. Remind me to tell you sometime how much damage squirrels have done to the insides of my pickup truck.

    3. Pesky red squirrels, I bet. We are finishing up a renovation that had extensive squirrel damage. We did a lot of work and a lot of it was squirrel proofing. Ps I am glad to hear from you.


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