Thursday, December 8, 2022

Home Again, Home Again

 Just got back from a quick trip east. It was my daughter in law's cousin's birthday. I went to babysit so that she would not have to miss it. 

The baby is a happy little chunker. She is bursting out with random little noises that sound a great deal like chuckles. She coos and she is a sneeze away from rolling over. 

A 'sneeze' is the right word too. The oldest brought home yet another cold. The baby caught it too. Poor mama! Covid, RSV, and cold after cold has cycled through their house from pretty much the beginning of October. Not a fun time. 

Brittani worried if I should come out. "It's a crap shoot," I told her. It is. Everyone is sick. Tim has been sick with a cold that turned into a bacterial infection. He is on antibiotics right now, but still has the cough. He missed a great deal of hunting season because of it. I was braced to get that, but it had been a week and a half, and I had no symptoms at all. I mean, really, I could get sick running to the grocery store at this point. The 'creeping crud' is everywhere. 

So my little grandaughter called me to tell me that she had bravely taken a covid test and it was negative. "Hurray!" I said. "I will see you tomorrow."

And I did. 

It is hard to entertain a little peanut when she's not feeling the best, so when she asked me to come and play with her in her room, I said, "What shall we play?" She thought about it and finally came up with the idea that her bunny was having a birthday party. I ran with the idea, running out to get a balloon, a little stuffed unicorn and a small gift bag. We had little unicorn cake plates with brownies. It was a wonderful party, and over much sooner than I expected, but I'm a go with the flow sort of grandma. 

We read books, we watched Rudolph and Frosty. She was fascinated with the idea that I had watched the very same programs when I was just her age. 

We were having supper Tuesday night and Dylan said, "Tell Grandma about your dream," and she told me that she had a dream that she lived right across the road from me. I said how wonderful it would be that we could see each other every single day. What a sweet, sweet moment. That little girl loves her grandma. How lucky I am!

I had an open ended visit planned and had tentatively thought to stay until Saturday, but I woke up in the middle of Wednesday night with a headache and a runny nose. I evidently got what the girls had. I decided to head for home before it hit big time, so I left today. A bit of a heart breaker. 

I ran to the dollar store one more time before I left and got five unicorn balloons to hide around the house for a unicorn hunt. I got one for the baby too. A bright red one. She was fascinated with the way that it floated when she kicked and wiggled. 

And then I drove home. I had to stop for tylenol. As bad as I felt about leaving early, the cold made me feel bad enough to know it was the right decision. 

On the 26th, we are headed back once again. This time though, it will be Christmas, and all my children will be there. All my grandkids will be there. 

It would be nice if nobody had a cold. 

Late Edit: William tested positive for covid today. 


  1. Kay of Musings: It’s such a difficult time of year with so many different illnesses lurking around the corner. I have another family get-together in the works to celebrate the new year. It’s going to be tricky. You are the BEST kind of grandma, Debby! I can just imagine the fun they’ll have when they see balloons you left to let them know how much you loved them.

  2. You seem to be threading your way through all the different viruses everywhere. Good luck with the next trip.

  3. Leaving the balloons is a great idea. Well done.

  4. That is scary. So far, we keep missing the various bugs.

  5. It's been one thing after another with Jack. I've been lucky but only because I'm stuck at home so I'm not exposed to anybody, except Jack. Your poor son and daughter in law. It's always hard when little ones are sick. Hope you're feeling better soon.

  6. I shall cross my fingers for nobody having a cold on the 26th.

  7. I hope that everyone soon recovers from their colds. It's the same here though I've avoided them so far.

  8. Well I hope everyone is well for the big Christmas get together,

  9. Hope you get over that cold quickly.

  10. Children just love to share their germs around!

  11. Immune systems building themselves up before family get togethers? Colds are common here at the moment too. I pleased you received a nice warm feeling from your granddaughter. I was about 50 before I realised what a wonderful person my maternal grandmother was, though of course my memories of her were always good. I wish I had talked to her more. I was about 20 when she died.

  12. As soon as school started this year, we went through several rounds of various cruds, including Covid, but lately we've all been pretty healthy the last month. So there's hope that in a few weeks, things will have run their course and you get a nice visit with your family.

  13. Sounds like everyone needs Elderberry Syrup to buck up their immune systems. Hope you can get it where you are. (Sambucol).

  14. Sounds like you are going to have a great family Christmas.

  15. The creeping crud is going around here too. I've had a couple of colleagues who have been really sick but mercifully I've avoided everything so far. The bunny birthday party sounds cute!

  16. Lots of germs going around schools - my grandkids seem to take turns with the runny noses. Hope all are healthy for the Holidays!

  17. It's like all of the viruses that we didn't catch while we were being so careful not to get covid are having their revenge. I know that's not the case but it sure seems like it.
    You are a very sweet grandma. No wonder your grands adore you.

  18. What an excellent grandmother and mother-in-law you are!

  19. I read about a grandma in England who would run around and clean all the handles and faucets after everyone was in bed, when there was sickness in the house. It seemed to keep the germs from multiplying, I think.

  20. Oh the generosity of children and their germs. On the plus side you should be fine by Christmas and William will be clear.

  21. Sorry to hear that William has tested positive for COVID but at least he will have expunged it by Christmastime. Was there any booze at the bunny's birthday party? A dry party is never quite the same.


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