Saturday, October 1, 2022


 I am home. I've been away for the week being an extra set of hands for my daughter-in-law while my son was away on a business trip. 

The baby had a doctor's appointment at the same time that the four year old was getting out of school. It is the second time that I've driven her in my car and it sounds ridiculous, but I still get nervous over that. My son had popped her carseat in my car before he headed to the airport. I was glad for the help. They are a lot more complicated than they were when MY children needed them!  Despite my niggling fears, all was well. 

It was a wonderful week of morning walks, school dropoffs and pickups, playgrounds, a parade, a picnic, two trips to the library,. crafts, babyholding and four year old snuggles. 

I got up this morning and headed out. It was a good time to slip away, in the midst of all the excitement about 'DADDY'S COMING HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

I drove leisurely, marveling at how much the leaves had changed just in the week since I'd driven the same route there. My mind wandered freely as I navigated the now familiar route. I pulled over for my regular break just before getting on the interstate. I need that large unsweetened iced tea with lots of ice and double lemon. I parked the car and pulled the mirror down to check my hair when (DUMB DUMB DUMB!!!!!) I saw it. 

Two hours into my trip, I noticed that their car seat still securely strapped in my back seat. 


  1. At least there was no sleeping baby in it!

    1. I would NOT have gotten out of the driveway.

  2. Oh noooo.... I'm so sorry. Yowch! I would have just sent them money to get a new car seat. This sort of thing happens. It just does.

    We were supposed to return something yesterday to friends so I put it on our shoebox outside the house while we put on our shoes to go to their house. We got to our friends house and discovered we hadn't picked up the bag with their things before getting in the car. Sigh... It happens.

  3. I bought my own car seat but I now live way closer and will occasionally pick up my grandson from day care. I assume you had to turn around? Ugh.

  4. That small moment in time that comes right after you've just realized what you've done. when your mind tells you it can't be true and you try to believe it can't be true, and before you accept it is true and just turn the car around and do what you need to do.

    1. I called my daughter in law and left the message telling her what I had done, called Tim to tell him I would be 4 hours later than planned.

  5. Oh bugger. It might have been better if you actually got home and couldn't just turn around. But then they would have been without a car seat unless they have two like most do around here. Two cars, two seats.

    1. I turned around and headed back. 10 minutes later, my daughter in law called me back to tell me it wasn't necessary to bring it back since they hadn't travelled in the truck for ages. I was very relieved.

    2. What a relief, I've been thinking about you today having to drive allllll the way back. I'm glad your daughter-in-law told you that you didn't have to. Phew!

    3. I have been pondering your pigeons Kay...

  6. Well, I guess you did a lot of driving that day.

    1. Thank goodness I only added 20 minutes to my drive. I still feel pretty dumb.

  7. You know how to tell a good story.

    1. What a nice way to say that my foolishness is entertaining!

  8. Goodness, you're not dumb, just getting used to all of the things that go with little kids. It's a lot easier if all the grandparent's cars have a car seat too. You might be able to find a used one, or ask the parents to find one that's suitable and approved by "experts for safety" and approved by them. Then, you could reimburse them probably, and just keep it in your car. Linda in Kansas

    1. I had a carseat in my car for William. We had him with us nearly daily. The girls live over five hours away. I have driven the oldest twice in her four years. It really isn't needed enough in this situation to warrant the purchase.

  9. Definitely oops! But will be good to have one in both cars....
    We have all done it!

    1. I will take it back next visit. The hybrid is a lot more economical for them to drive as well as easier to get two kids in and out of, so daddy's truck is rarely used.

  10. Definitely not dumb. My parents would have done something similar many times but I considered it my responsibility to get the car seat out of their car. You aren't conditioned to think about it.

    1. Dylan was not scheduled to get back from his trip until later in the afternoon. My left eye now puts rainbows around headlights and so I am not comfortable driving at night, especially in deer country. I left before the responsible one got back.

  11. You do have a way of inserting those surprising endings.

  12. Well I'm glad to see from the comments that you didn't have to go all the way back. I do as little driving after dark as possible, so I can understand your desire to get home before then. Plus... down here the deer are getting quite active. Now you have a reason to go back again soon.

    1. I kept trying to tell myself that...still. I felt like the world's biggest dummy.

  13. OH NO! As others have said above, I'm glad you didn't have to turn around!

    1. If Brittani had not called me back, I would have driven all the way there. (And hoped that they'd suggest I spend an extra night...I do hate driving at night.)


I'm glad you're here!

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