Tuesday, July 5, 2022


 Sometimes a question will stop you dead in your tracks. Yesterday, Ellen D.'s stopped me. "What treasures do you search for, Debby." 

I am at a strange place in my life. I've been getting rid of material things. I know that in the next couple years, we will be downsizing.

 I went to a huh-uuuuuuuuuge antique mall, and I bought nothing. I didn't even see anything that truly tempted me. When people ask me what I want for Christmas or my birthday, or whatever, I have to think about it. Sometimes, I can't even come up with anything then. 

I've said it before. I'm pretty lucky. 

But today, I was working in the garden and I was thinking about it. What do I treasure? 

I started compiling a list. Traveling. Seeing new things. Meeting new people. Having old friends. My grandchildren (oh, how I treasure my time with them!) I love a good book. I like reading in bed. I love flannel nightgowns. I like a clean and organized house. (I have to admit that I don't always like making it that way.) I like spending time in my gardens. We are finally going to start working on our backyard flower gardens. We have the time, finally,  I like being able to spend time doing the things that I want to do, instead of focusing on the things that I need to do. I like thunder and lightning storms, the louder the better. I like lightning bugs. I like sitting quietly. I like feeling useful. I love listening to people's stories. I love it when a person feels comfortable to share them. 

Once I started making my list, it got easier and easier. Lilacs. Hydrangeas. Watching birds. Listening to owls hoot at night. One after another, the things came rushing at me. 

By the time I leaned my hoe against the fence, I felt quite fortunate that most everything I value is already part of my life. 


  1. This is a good exercise to do. I think many people would find that they have a lot to be thankful for.

    1. Looking at all the joy in your life really does change your perspective, doesn't it? I know how trite that sounds, but really, it was a very satisfying moment.

  2. Replies
    1. It looks as if we're both sort of at the same place in life, Mary. It isn't about the things. It never has been. How funny that I would figure it out so late in life.

  3. This is a great post....very thought provoking.

    1. Too often, I guess that I've been focused on what I don't have. Now suddenly, I am taking inventory of what I do have.

  4. Acceptance of what one has is beautiful Debby and the happiness that results is a reward in itself.

    1. I have to own to feeling as if I was missing a lot for most of my life. Just too busy. But now, retired, I am able to do a lot of the things that I've always wanted to do. For the first time in an awfully long time, I just feel satisfied.

  5. Great post Debby. I love collecting stuff. You can always sell it or give it away and start collecting again.

    1. When I was at the Antiques Mall, I thought of you. What a time you would have had!

  6. Garden and family..yes, definitely worth treasuring

    1. Your time creating...I am sure that you enjoy your time as you make your own treasure.

  7. Simple things. They are the best.
    Regarding my latest post, I want to say that I appreciated your response and as a result deleted the paragraph that said too much. Thank you.

    1. It just bothered me. Dying is such a individual experience. You are slipping away from the things (and people) of this world and moving into the great unknown. Being able to navigate through it free from the prying eyes and judgements of others seems to me to be the most basic of human rights. I say this from the viewpoint of one who was (at one time) confronting her own mortality. It is a very 'real' reckoning, a paradigm shift.

  8. Thank you for mentioning me in your post today! I was so surprised and pleased and I am happy that my comment had such a nice response from you!
    I have felt so sad lately and your post really lifted my spirits. There is so much good in my life and I must celebrate it more! Thank you, Debby.

    1. Finding joy in these sad times is a bit more difficult, but it's there. It's always there. I'm glad that the post cheered you. Your little comment changed my day as well. Behold the power of blogging!

  9. Your letter arrived today - lovely surprise - I shall reply soon as you said how much you enjoyed gettin snail mail - so you can add that to your list. Thank you.

  10. Pat? If that's you, it wasn't me. I don't have your address, but if you ever e-mailed it to me, I would be glad to correspond with you. Snail mail is nice.

  11. I feel the same. Whenever Dave asks what I want for my birthday, I tell him to give me an experience. A trip, a meal out, something like that. I don't need more stuff. And yes, so many of the things I truly treasure are already there. Lucky indeed!

  12. I like your list. We had thunder, lightening and rain the last two nights, and I loved falling asleep to rain on the windows.

  13. That’s a pretty good list, none of which requires tremendous wealth, except, I suppose, the travel part, which requires some funding.


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