Sunday, November 27, 2022


In the beginning there was Mangey. After a summer of treating him, I made the decision to bring him inside. Tim said, "I think he belongs over in that green house on the next block. That's where I see him sitting anyhow." 

Did I listen? No. No I did not. I got all manner of stuff for Mangey and we made the move indoors. William renamed him Ash and they played laser tag together. It was a delightful two days. Then Mangey decamped. 

William cried. 

I felt terrible about it. I'm a grandma after all. Three weeks later, a tenant caught the feral kitten. He was part of a litter. One kitten disappeared very early on. Another tenant took the first one Paula trapped. When she trapped this second one, she had no idea what she was going to do with him. She just wanted him off the street before something happened to him. 

Because William was so sad about losing Ash, I decided to take that kitten. I brought him home from the vet visit. I knew William would be happy. This is how we've come to have a traumatized cat who lives somewhere down the basement. I assured William that when he gets over being afraid, he will be more interesting.
Today, William was loading some books in my car for a trip to the Goodwill. I heard a delighted sound from the kitchen. I walked out, and there was Mangey/Ash. He was loving on William and William was loving him right back.

Greeeeeeeaaaaattt....After over a month, the prodigal cat came back, carefully timing his return with the adoption of another cat. 

Mangey raised holy hannah at my feet and got fed. He looked a bit disgruntled when his food went outside, but he followed along willingly enough. 

William and I went to the Goodwill and when we came home, Mangey was waiting and happy to see us once again. 

"But WHY can't he come in?" William pleaded. 

I explained all the reasons...that he seems to have another home, that we have taken in a kitten, and (mostly), that Grandpa will kill me if we wind up with two cats, all while trying to block a cat from scooting inside. 

William cried. "But we can't just not FEED him!!!!" 

I pointed out that he had gotten his handout, just as he always has, and that we will continue to feed him (and who ever else shows up at the door).

Darn cats.

One change: I went down to pull the sheets out of the dryer and Spook was curled up quietly in his cozy bed. For a change he did not run for the dark recesses of the old coal room when I stepped off the stairs but he did keep his eye on me. That's an improvement. He comes upstairs to eat every night when we are in bed and the house is dark.


  1. You are truly a guardian angel for kitties, Debby... and the BEST of grandmas.

    1. Well..we'll see how this little story works out.

  2. Another couple of weeks and Spook will get better at being around people. Just talk to him every time you go down there and maybe sit quietly and see if he might come to you.

    1. I went down to clean out his cat box and to sweep around the basement. He let me walk right up to the litter box (which is convenient to his bed. He only ran when I opened a plastic bag. So...I think he's improving. I talked quietly while I swept. He was hiding behind a tool bench, but I could see him and he could see me.

  3. Life has a way of impeccably timing things!

  4. Cats definitely have their own agendas. This one will become more and more trusting as time passes. As you know.

  5. The first month I had Annabelle the feral stray, she lived behind the washing machine. Eventually she got brave and ended up attached to me at all times for the rest of a long life.

    1. I imagine that this is how it will go for us too. How long did Annabelle stay behind the washing machine?

  6. Replies
    1. I like all animals, but at this stage of my life, a cat suits my life better.

  7. I have had Timmy (the timid cat) since January and he still runs from me if he thinks I might try to pick him up. Also he shies away from me as I walk past him as if I might kick him. I would never, but somebody must have done so.

    1. The fact that I got to within 4 feet of him and he did not bolt...until i opened the garbage bag for litter scooping...made me think we might be making progress.

  8. Cats are vey wise and they know how to train us. They get fed and then can go about their business out in the world.

  9. Bloody cats. I'm glad the kitten was able to be in the same room with you, without hiding. Poor thing. Our cat was a tiny stray as well. She got over her trauma and now regularly traumatizes me. I hate being bitten while petting a cat.

    1. Our Mickey would be so sweet- until he was not, and bit us! 🤷‍♀️

    2. I am pretty sure this one is not a biter.

  10. Oh dear!😸Our sweet 14-year old Mickey died in January… I love cats, but still hesitate welcoming a new one … it would be an indoor cat, due to ticks and coyotes, and along with the cat litter job, it’s just another worry, I just hate when they get sick!🥺Good wishes for your cat(s)! 😻 xo, Ricki

    1. You get right back here and take that 's' off the end of cat, sister!

  11. If you (or William) sit quietly in the basement and read or otherwise appear not interested Spook will eventually come up to you.
    I understand William's distress but Mangey missed his chance. Silly cat.

    1. I think you're right on that. William has a soft heart, and Mangey was a very playful cat. If William had his druthers, he'd druther have Mangey, but the thing is, the cat obviously has another home. A cat just doesn't disappear for weeks at a time and show up again, unless he's had some place to be for a while.

  12. I will be very interested in the retraining of Mangey.

  13. Oh, Lord. Cat drama. I hope Mangey/Ash continues to feel welcome while making his primary home at the green house on the next block!


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