Saturday, July 2, 2022

Happy 4th!

 One great thing that happened is that on our jaunt yesterday, we stopped into a Tractor Supply store to check and see if they had any seeds. I was quite happy to see that they had both peas and beans. I'd lost an awful lot of plants (seeds?) from the first planting. I was not sure what critters had wreaked that havoc, but now I could replant. It is anybody's guess whether I will get anything from them, but today, I reseeded all the empty places in the three rows of beans and peas. I worked for two or three hours but it was hot and I'd unwisely skipped breakfast, so I went inside to sit in the cool and have a drink and a bite to eat. 

I listened to some crows making a big to-do in the pine tree by the garden with a sinking feeling. They are very smart birds. They didn't go in the garden, but they seemed to be quite aware that I'd planted some treats for them. 

I thought unkind thoughts. 

I went back down to the garden to give everything another good watering before I left. Two chipmunks watched me from nearby. 

The little stinkers. 

It is a conspiracy, I tell you. The woodland creatures conspire against me.

We came home about five. I just finished making the macaroni salad and potato salad for tomorrow. I baked the short cake for the strawberries. I made a gallon of sour cherry lemonade. Tomorrow, I'll get up and make the broccoli salad. We're having a cookout. 

The town's fireworks are Sunday night. 

The parade is Monday morning. My daughter and grandson are marching. I've never been much for parades, but one of our local Republican big wigs is in a bit of hot water. He generally strolls along in the parade, waving grandly as a person in a elephant costume dances around him. If he does march, I hope there is a clown with baggy pants decorated with big flames dancing around him this year. Life would be much more exciting if a liar's pants actually did catch fire.

Happy belated Canada Day for all you folks up north. Happy 4th of July to those who are celebrating with me. 


  1. Of course you go to a tractor supply shop to buy seed. I imagined tractors to be more carnivorous rather than seed powered. Good luck to your new plants. It sounds like they need it. I wish a politician behaving badly was a little more of a rare thing. Have a great celebration with family.

    1. That probably explains it better. It started out as tractor/farm equipment and expanded, I imagine.

    2. In Canada, you can go to Canadian Tire to buy a vacuum cleaner. And tires too.

  2. Replies
    1. I am looking forward to it.

    2. I love cows so my grand daughter went to tractor supply and got me two shirts with cows on them. and funny comments. Older people stop me in town to tell me there farm and cow stories. I love to see their face when they get to talk about their younger days growing up on a farm. It makes my day to see their face light up just remembering.

  3. Thank you and enjoy the occasion.

  4. Best of luck on the seedlings! Believe me, I know what you mean about wildlife conspiring against you. We have our own battles with birds and squirrels! But of course we love having them around despite all that.

    1. I see that your squirrels are returning. That's a mixed blessing there, for sure!

  5. Do you have magpies? they are smarter about theft than all the other crooks put together. Have a great Fourth of July. The food sounds great if food can make a sound.

    1. I don't believe I've ever seen magpies here, but I don't need my thieves any smarter.

  6. Some people put chicken wire over the bean or pea rows...

  7. Happy 4th of July from downunder. I hope your critters show a bit of respect for all your hard work.

  8. Happy 4th to you and your family!


I'm glad you're here!

Can you handle the excitement?

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