Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Lest you think...

 My experience selling online was marginally frustrating, but there are some real upsides to it. 

F'rinstance, my daughter in law was mentioning that when my granddaughter was first born, they had a cradle of sorts. A small bed that swung. It had been lent to them by her brother and his wife, but that it was not available this time around, having been loaned out to another new baby. 

Brittani is very practical, and so she said, "I'm keeping my eye out for a used one."

I privately made up my mind to keep my eyes open as well. 

Now an odd thing happened, while I was there. My facebook was suddenly locked. I suppose it was a hacker, but after a few days, I made up my mind that I was going to live without facebook. (I use it for mostly keeping track of family via IM anyway). No sooner had I made that decision than it came back through no effort of my own.

And because my mind was so made up to live without facebook, I immediately began scrolling through posts. Much to my surprise, someone was selling a Graco baby bed swing. They had used it for a couple of months, but the baby outgrew is quickly (as they are wont to do) and it had been put back in its box and stored for a few years. They finally decided that there would be no more babies, and it was time to put it up for sale. $30. 

Now stuff like this tends to go very quickly, and so I was very suspicious when I saw that it had been posted for 5 days with no takers. I showed the picture to Brittani, and she agreed that this was exactly what she'd been hoping to find.  I sent a message asking the woman if she'd be willing to hold it until I got back into town the following afternoon. 

She was willing. 

I went to get it, and it was packed it the box. I was advised to leave the money on the porch. 

I let her know that I had to be sure that it worked and that all the pieces were there. Her husband was pretty unhappy about it, but I've been 'taken' before, so I was adamant. 

It worked, 

Without instructions it took Tim and I a ridiculous amount of time to put together, but this is the end result:

The inside mat was in the washer, but what a lucky find! Online sales are not all bad. 

PS: Price to buy new? $209. or thereabouts. 


  1. That's an excellent deal. Well done grandma:)

    1. I was certainly pleased. I cannot believe that I found something that she wanted...without even looking for it.

  2. Thanks to my boyfriend and my daughters I've become much more willing to buy on those sites although it still makes me a bit nervous. I love my Buy Nothing site though; I've gotten a stroller and a high chair for free.

    1. Why does it make you nervous. If I have any qualms, I just arrange a meeting in a public place.

    2. Oh, gosh, where to start! I would never sell jewelry like a local guy who got shot and killed for it. But I've had many people flake out, not show up after numerous reminders and promises, not bring the money arranged for (or want me to give them change!), etc. It hasn't been the most pleasant of interactions for the most part. The Buy Nothing site has been much better--the people are very kind and have been reliable so far.

    3. Holy cow. I'd be nervous too!

  3. I can’t recall that kind of buying online. I have given away things in the Buy Nothing group. It satisfies me more for some reason.

    1. removing unused things from the house always is a satisfaction, for me, anyhow.

  4. Well done!
    I have offloaded quite a few items on our local villages' barter site...and got a lot on Freecycle/Freegle.
    eBay is hard work though!!

    1. I did one, just one e-bay. The Item did not sell.

  5. We bought a lot of used baby equipment too and then sold it when we were through. The girls never knew the difference.

  6. Great Granny sleuthing! Looks pretty modern to me, compared to what was around 35 years ago. Linda in Kansas

    1. Much harder to put together! Grandma and grandpa struggled. We are not hi-tech.

  7. I always think they should make those for old people!! I could picture me having a sweet nap while I am rocking away! :)

  8. They probably do...we just can't afford them.

  9. It was certainly meant to be, by the way you found it. Well done.

  10. Excellent find and good bargain-hunting (and bargaining) skills!

    I'd be more willing to buy online than sell, I think. (Though I rarely buy anything anyway so that's easy for me to say.)

  11. Glad it worked out well, Debby. Most of my online purchases have gone smoothly but the local police just created a safe space so people can do these types of exchanges as securely as possible.

    1. Mr. Shife, that is such a very excellent idea!


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