Sunday, June 12, 2022

Done and Dusted

 Tim had a party to attend. I stayed behind. I had a list of things to be done at the apartment before I leave Monday morning. 

I went first to have a key made for the front door for the new tenant. I stopped for a sandwich. I checked the thrift shop and found four cute sundresses for my grand daughter, along with four books.

I headed back to the apartment and got down to work, vacuuming the cold air returns, hand scrubbing old paint splatters from a plank floor, removing the stickers from the new windows with a razor blade. It was not a long list, but it was important. 

I was supposed to be meeting up with the new tenant at 2 to give him the keys so that he begin moving his things in. It's a big change for him, but I must say that he seems to have made his peace with it. He even seems as if he might be excited about it all. I showed him the receptacle Tim would be replacing and he asked if Tim would mind putting up some miniblinds for him. He said, "You all have done a lot of work for me and I appreciate it." 

I helped him haul his things in and then he headed back home. I headed home too. 

I had laundry and packing to do. William and I are headed east, and I'm grateful for the break. Tim couldn't relax for a week if his life depended on it. He gets restless, so he's staying behind. He's got a deck to work on, and no real rush to get it done. He's got some pests to eradicate at the retirement property and some brush hogging he's anxious to get done. 

We talked about it last night in bed, how great it was that suddenly, the pressure is just gone. We both agreed that it feels wonderful to have our life back again. When we fell asleep, we slept soundly. No one woke up in the middle of the night. We slept for 11 hours. I can't even tell you the last time THAT happened. 


  1. It would take me three days to get 11 hours of sleep!

    1. That's less than 4 hours of sleep a night. I would be a babbling idiot. Oh...wait...

  2. You have the gift of describing your day in a way that is interesting.

  3. How lovely that your new tenant appreciates what you have done. Enjoy your time away. Tim will be in his element doing stuff. You can enjoy the grandkids

    1. He always gets stir crazy. He would never be able to stand a week of playing with kids.

  4. And now a little family time to enjoy.
    Have a safe trip.

    1. Arrived safe and sound and wallowing in grandchildren time.

  5. Debby I haven't known you long enough to know who these men are yet, but I can't get my head around your 11 hour sleep! You guys must've been putting in a LOT of work!!

    1. William is my 11 year old grandson. Tim is my husband of 24+ years. Jim is an old friend of the family.

  6. That's wonderful that the reno is done and your tenant can move in and you can take a break. It will be nice for William to spend time with his grandma and extended family. Have a lovely trip and a safe drive.

    1. We are here. The drive was uneventful, save the very large very dead bear at the side of the road near the beginning of our trip and the pile of logs from an overturned log truck near the end.

  7. What a relief to have that reno done! You two sure worked hard to fix things up quickly for your new tenant. Hope he has lots of happy years there. Have a wonderful trip! Relax and enjoy the family time!

  8. I hope you have a wonderful week with Iris and William together! -Kelly

    1. Two grands in the same place is a rare treat!

  9. 11 hours? I don't think that has ever happened to me.

  10. Have a most wonderful holiday

    1. It is the first day and already wonderful.

  11. Wow. 11 hours? Stress-free living is the way to go. Have a great time on your trip.

  12. Have a great and restful holiday. Try not to watch too much political news, it’s stressful…

  13. I hope you're having a great break. I'm not sure I've ever slept for 11 hours but it sounds wonderful! LOL


I'm glad you're here!


 I am different.  It is something that I've always known about myself. I've never understood why exactly, and it has not been becaus...