Friday, June 3, 2022

Losing It

 Did you ever lose something that was really important to you? 

I did. 

I was absolutely sick about it. Mostly sick because it is something that never leaves the house. There's no reason for it to go anywhere. 

I ripped apart sofas and vacuumed, I pulled things out and vacuumed. Under beds (and vacuumed), behind desks (and vacuumed). It wasn't all bad, I suppose.

After several days of looking and not finding it, and feeling worse and worse with every passing day, I had begun to ask people who had been to the house whether they had inadvertently picked it up. 

No one had. 

I then went to the dark place in my brain that wondered if I had done something with it? Is this early onset alzheimers? I mean, it happens. And every stupid thing that I did (and I can do some stupid shit) just sort of reinforced the fear that my brain was slipping. 

After a week, a full week of this, today, I found it. 

Tears were shed.


  1. After you found it, did you recall putting it there?

  2. No. But what I did realize is that I was wrong on the last time that I'd seen it. Ay yi yi.

  3. Now I am so curious what it was!

    1. It was an old Iphone my daughter gave me (we have androids) to use while I was still in England. It took better pictures than my phone. The plan was that I'm going to switch over my phone plan to this, but we've been working so hard that I really have not had the time.

    2. It had all of my pictures of England on it, and I was sick that I might have lost them.

  4. How many things decide to turn up, in a place that you know you have looked?!

    1. This place I know that I did not look. I don't know why I decided to look there today. I really didn't expect to find it there at all, I was sure that I had it after I'd gotten back from my son and daughter-in-laws. Turned out that I didn't.

  5. Oh, Debby, what a horrible feeling.
    I think I know what that must have felt like.
    A few years back we went to visit friends in South Africa. We couldn't use our credit cards there so took cash with us for spending. Quite a bit really. A few days into our trip, as we were preparing for our drive out to stay in a game reserve, I rsalised that half our spending money was not where I thought it should be. I was in a cold sweat for the next day or so until I discovered it .. I had moved it into a hidden place that I had forgotten about. Sheesh.

    1. This was just me never fully unpacking. I'd taken it to my son's house, in case they wanted to see my pictures of the trip. I'd returned with a shopping bag. In turn, other shopping bags got folded and tucked into it, and I set it in the trunk of my car for the next time I went to Aldi's.

  6. I am glad that you found it - in a good place?

  7. I'm very curious as to what you lost and did you just come across it or remember where you put it. The house got a bit of extra cleaning by the sound of it.

    1. I was coming up the driveway in Tim's car and suddenly it just popped into my head to check the trunk of my car. It was there in a shopping bag.

  8. I have ended up doing a lot of cleaning and organizing to try to find lost things. Glad that it was finally located. I've had mixed results with my searches.

    1. Well, I went on quite a tear, that's for sure. I haven't had a lot of time to work at home, so it didn't hurt anything, really. Just made me sick to think of it being lost forever.

  9. Welcome to my world!! I'm about to start wearing a name tag so I know who I am! It's scary getting old. I'm glad you found the object. It happens to the best of us.... you're in good company.
    Paranormal John

    1. That's very reassuring! I know that it is probably because we really have been so very busy that I'm rushing to keep everything caught up, but gees, it seems like I forget an awful lot of stuff lately.

  10. Important things get put in safe places which are then forgotten - even though at the time said safe place is a) very clever and b) unforgettable. I am so glad you found it. As I am getting older I am trying to place less value on things but some are still very precious.

  11. Things generally aren't all that important to me. That phone was. Is. For the pictures.

  12. It's very stressful when something is lost.

  13. You are singing to the choir there. Not a fun week.

  14. I laminated my oldest child’s ultrasound pictures wanting to preserve them only to remember after they came out that they were printed with thermal ink and laminating destroyed them. I did have a scanned image of them but the originals are gone forever.

    1. Oh gees. That's a different kind of lost altogether.

  15. I lose things all the time now. Drives me crazy. I always worry about alzheimers too. Perhaps ignorance was bliss.

    1. Alzheimer's is always in the back of my mind because I am just so absent minded sometimes.

  16. A stressful time. Most things I lose or forget where I put them always turn up some time.

    1. Usually for me, as well. But this was something that was more important than the stuff I usually mislay. When life slows down, I expect things will be a bit more organized than right now.

  17. I once lost a hat for months and couldn’t find it anywhere. I replaced it. Much later, I thought, I wonder if it could have fallen off a hook on the stairs and come to rest behind the adjacent furnace. Yes.

  18. I purchased a new car in March 22, I remember I brought the paper work all in the house but never found it again. Even went through my big trash can. I had to call the dealer and tell him I needed new copies of every thing. They sent a new packet, the first ones are here where I put them so I could remember where they were. I have no idea where that might be,

    1. I am sure that it is a very safe place.

  19. Well, I'm glad you found it, and I'm glad you revealed in the comments what it was and where it was because I would have gone CRAZY wondering what it could have been!

  20. Well...I wasn't going to say, but I felt so much better after finding it that I figured it didn't matter so much.


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