Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Back home.

 Last Friday, William and I got up and headed east. A birthday party for a four year old was slated on Sunday. It is early because the new baby is due in early August, which makes it difficult for a mama to plan a birthday party while recovering and taking care of a new baby as well.

William also got some cousin time, which is not common, since both of my grandchildren live on opposite sides of the state. Friday night, we took in a carnival and fireworks. Saturday, we went to the pool. Sunday was a party. Monday was a lazy day, a trip to the playground, a walk on the health trail. Tuesday was a chance for mom and dad to have a date night, one last date night before the new baby. William and Iris and I had a date night of our own, snuggled together on a bed to watch Tangled on William's portable DVD player, with the blinds down and the curtains drawn so that our glow in the dark bracelets glowed a bit more dramatically. 

They both sprawled lazily and their laughter seemed quite nearly choreographed. The exact same things struck them as hysterically funny. 

I was unbelievably happy to be sitting between the two of them, listening to that laughter. Could there be a moment any more perfect than that? 

That's it really. I'm beat. Why does the trip home always seem to take longer? 


  1. That sounds like such a lovely visit and a busy visit. No wonder you're tired:)

    Hope everything goes well with the birth of your grandchild. I imagine you're pretty excited.

    1. Oh Pixie I am so excited. I'll be heading out next week and will come back after the baby is born.

  2. What a delightful evening! Linda in Kansas

    1. It really, truly was. One of those evenings of perfect contentment.

  3. Grandma's duty carried out with pleasure. Now take a rest.

    1. Compared to other duties I've shouldered in my life, grandma duty is the best duty you can get!

  4. What a perfect visit. I think you, William and Iris got the better date night. It sounds delightful. You deserve to be knackered.

    1. It was so nice just to be a part of these last languid days of a summer pregancy.

  5. All that excitement could take the breath out of you. I know about the trip home taking longer.

    1. Mix that excitement in with 90+ degree temps, and it is a double whammy. It really was hard to leave even knowing that I am going right back.

  6. It's always good to spend time with kids. we can learn things from kids.

    1. Oh, it's just such a pleasure to watch them and listen to them, Red. And it takes the simplest things to make a memory. We had sweet corn on the cob and both of them love corn on the cob. Their excitement about it made it even sweeter to me.

  7. It is good that they get on so well together even though they live far apart. Sounds like a lovely time for all of you.

    1. William is an only child. Little Iris adores him, and it fulfills something in his heart to be the 'big brother'. He is very tender with her.

  8. What's the health trail Debby? Sounds like a good time was had by all.

    1. Their health trail is set up around the perimeter of a local park. As you walk along, there are stations. You stop at them and read the sign and do the exercise listed. It is designed to give a work out to the other muscles in your body as you walk. It's a nice set up. The trail is slightly less than a mile, so multiple laps are required.

  9. In answer to your question it is what we in the UK call "Sod's Law"!

  10. Lovely to get cousins together. People need to know extended family, it is rarer these days

    1. It is where we begin to decide who we are. It's also where we begin to decide who we aren't. Our identity is shaped by those relationships.

  11. Somehow, I have been able to read your piece on William’s pickiness even though it is not posted. I do have to agree with him about Miracle Whip. 🤓

    1. How discerning are the tastebuds of an 11 year old boy who is begging for microwave mac and cheese though? I mean, really?

  12. I accidently hit publish when I meant to store it for tomorrow's post. I honestly don't believe he'd be able to tell the difference. I'm not sure what's bringing this on, but boy, he's been one weeping mess lately.

  13. I'm glad you had a good time with lots of laughter. :)

  14. Sounds like a wonderful trip, Debby, and, yes, those small, little moments are the ones that make it all worthwhile.

  15. Sounds like a wonderful time had by all. Mum used to have a biscuit tin that said "the road to a friend's house is never long" - it must have been making up for that.

  16. This is so wonderful, Debby. What a precious time you had with the little ones.


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