Wednesday, August 31, 2022

It's been a long time since I've had nightmares. Actual, jerk-wide-awake-in-terror nightmares. Crazy stuff that has me laying awake in bed wondering why on earth I'd have a dream like that. 

So. I'm wide awake at o'dark thirty. This has been going on since last Friday night, and it is starting to wear. 


  1. Have any of your nighttime habits changed? Weirdly, I always have vivid dreams if I eat cheese close to bedtime. I love cheese but I gave up snacking on it at night!

  2. Have you changed or added any meds or supplements? Some can cause those symptoms. If I don't use my CPAP breathing machine all night, I'll have vivid dreams.....that's due to lack of oxygen all the time from the mask and machine. Benadryl helps: just try one dose, two pills makes most folks WAY too drunk. Linda in Kansas

  3. I think food related if there is no other explanation. You are so fortunate to have so many medical advisors and there will be more to come.

  4. Nightmares can sometimes linger for quite some time after waking up. Very disconcerting.

  5. Might be anxiety related? With all that's going on in the world these days, I think a lot of us are having nightmares.

  6. I am wondering if I’ve ever had a true nightmare. Bad dreams for sure, but not sure about actual nightmares. Not that I am complaining mind you.

  7. Sorry to hear that nightmares are disturbing your sleep. Wishing you sweet dreams, Debby!

  8. How strange. I wonder what's triggering them? Are you particularly anxious about anything?

  9. I feel for you. I dream vividly most nights and while they're not always bad, they're rarely what I'd call good. There have been a few lately that had me hollering and waking up my husband. Aliens. It might sound funny in the daylight, but it's been terrifying at night.

  10. It's got to be something that you're eating or drinking Debby. Cheese or pork pies late at night give me similar dreams.

  11. I had the nightmare of waking before 2am this morning and not being able to get back to sleep - so same/same but different. Have you written the nightmares down to see if there is some message hidden within? (Jeanie)

  12. Sorry to hear that, Debby. Hopefully tonight is a better one for you. I actually had one where I screamed in my sleep not too long ago. It was very weird and I am grateful I haven't had one since. Take care.

  13. I've had that happen. Three or four nights in, I'm so tired I sleep.

  14. I just met my new doctor and told him about my problems with waking up and not getting back to sleep as my mind whirls with stuff that bothers me. He recommended some counseling. Uuummm.... that's OK.


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