Tuesday, August 16, 2022


 Last night I woke at about 2:30 AM, listening intently. I had no idea why initially, but it slowly dawned on my sleep fogged mind. RAIN! I could hear the patter of rain through the open window at the head of the bed. 

It seems like a very long time since we got a good soaking rain, but it may have been because for the last three weeks I've been running back and forth between the eastern side of the state and the western side of the state. Maybe I simply missed it. 

I fell back asleep and five hours later, it was still raining when I woke up. 

We were going to finish the stairs today, but that will have to hold for at least the morning. I don't mind. It makes a for a good leisurely morning with a cup of coffee and my BelVita biscuits, reading blogs. Seven of them talked about rain in their corner of the world as well, and how welcome it was. 


  1. It is a relief..it started with us the night before last...just coming down to 10% chance of precipitation..and the water butts are looking healthy at last and the garden looks relieved!!
    Just heard that it started raining in London two hours ago, the first time in a month and a half

    1. I heard that the ground is so parched they are worried about flash flooding.

  2. We got rain all afternoon yesterday leaving behind a third of an inch. I was absolutely giddy even though I know by the end of the week, it will be like nothing had happened.

    1. I am not sure what we got, but it was much appreciated. Supposed to rain tomorrow too.

  3. First we have drought then when it rains we have floods. Just can't please us sometimes!

  4. I believe you are glad to see (and hear) rain as I was a few weeks ago when we finally got some relief from draught-like conditions. The stairs will keep!

    1. Yes they will. It gave us an opportunity to haul a dump truck load of pavers to my sister's. Swapped for them. My sister was surprised.

  5. A lot of us seem to have been going through a dry spell!

  6. Yes. You stay safe. I read about the possibility of flash floods.


I'm glad you're here!

Can you handle the excitement?

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