Wednesday, November 10, 2021


Me and my back went to bed early last night. I read the first chapter of "Counting Steps" by Mark Charlton. After turning off the light, I lay very still in bed, and pondered the sweetness of his recounting of his hike with his son. I found it very moving, and I fell asleep pondering how different things would be if I had been able to see what I was doing wrong (or maybe what I could have done better) while my kids were still kids, before it was too late to set things right. 

Hindsight is always 20/20. Mark seems to have had the gift of seeing these things in real time, as life unfolded. 

 I woke up this morning just before the alarm, as usual. I moved my legs experimentally, and there was no back pain. I got out of bed and reached for my robe. There were no spasms. Hallelujah. 

I had my morning coffee, and I headed for the shower, and when it came time to dress, I looked suspiciously at my sock drawer before deciding to go with slip on shoes and skip the socks all together. Not taking any chances. 


  1. It's a miracle! A miracle I tell ya! Thank ee Jesus! Thank ee Lord!

  2. Glad your back is better. It's a shame when we have to be careful how we do ordinary, everyday things to prevent something like that! I've been dealing with a similar situation myself lately.

    Parents are never perfect, so don't dwell on the past.

  3. Whenever my kids have an issue, I think, "What could I have done to prevent this? How could I have better prepared them?" But that path leads to unproductive guilt; it doesn't change or improve anything in present day. Glad your back is better!

  4. Glad the back is better! The medical supply stores have those contraptions to help get a sock on. They look like the devices we put inside boots to help keep the upper part of the leather straight. The two curved long pieces allow you to put the sock on it, then slip your foot into the opened sock and pull the device away.
    I've had 4 oz of Tonic Water a day to keep leg cramps away. It has quinine in it. If I skip more than 2 days, I can feel the cramps knocking at my calf muscles. Tonic water does have sugar in it, but WalMart has it in Diet bottles too. A nurse colleague cramped her back moving a patient (repetitive motions get us) and she tried quinine when she was off work and was surprised at how much it helped.
    You sound like a conscientious lady. You, and the rest of us, did the best job we knew how to do at the time raising the kids. We can't go back and change anything from those times. The kids will understand eventually.
    Hang in there! Linda in Kansas

  5. I gave up carbonated beverages back nearly 20 years ago. I was a real Pepsi fiend.

    I went to school for occupational therapy assistant, so I am familiar with the sock aid. I hope that I never get to the point where I actually need to buy myself one.

    I'm always going to feel like I could have done better by my kids.

  6. So glad a good nights sleep helped your back. Be careful with your moves for a few days.

  7. Yep. Socks are the worst thing to try with a dodgy back.

  8. Back spasms are truly awful! I hope you continue to feel better today.

  9. Oh yes! Socks and lacing shoes are very problematic. I have lain on the bed and pulled up my knees to get me socks on.

  10. Glad about the back As to what you could have done differently - they say we learn not to make mistakes with our chilren that our parents made with us - we just make different ones instead.but we can only do our best.

  11. Oh, what a delight to hear that the book arrived and you had read the first chapter. I repeated that walk with Daniel last year. He is in his twenties now but it was special to us both. Becoming a father transformed my outlook on life, much for the better too; I am forever grateful to my children for that. Thank you too for taking an interest in my writing.

  12. Mother nature is a great healer after a good night's sleep.

  13. Hope your back continues to hold up for you and gets better. I am interested in that book but the link you shared says it is no longer available. Take care.

  14. I’m so glad you’re feeling better. I’m sure it must be a good idea to be careful for the next few days to make sure your back is healed.


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