Monday, May 24, 2021


Remember I found these little shoes for Iris?

Today, I found this: 


  1. I was also going to say "Purrfect" but I got beaten to it. :)

  2. I like those early days of kids and clothing. Our oldest got enough clothing given to her in that first year to carry her through nearly to school age. Then she went through a period of time where she didn't care so just picked whatever was closest to her reach in her closet. Now she is more sophisticated so either she goes shopping with her mom while I stay home and do other things or I hand her my phone and tell her to put what she wants in my Amazon cart.

  3. Posh? I got the dress for 79 cents at a thrift store.

  4. Shouldn't Iris dress in rainbow-coloured outfits?

  5. Believe me, rainbows and unicorns are a wardrobe staple.
    She has rainbow tutus and even rainbow snowboots.


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Getting Things Done

 Today, I felt like I redeemed myself somewhat for my failure with the swing stapler. I am about an hour away from having the upstairs fully...